1. To get to your Service Tickets page, click on Transport > Administration > Service Tickets, the customer service ticket page will display as shown below.
Flagged Comments: On this page you will find comments that have been flagged on consignments. This is so you can check the comments and decide if they require a service ticket to be created, here there are a range of settings you can use to alter/create/manipulate the comments, and the tickets created/associated. For further information on flagged comments please click here.
Raising a customer service ticket can be done by any Transvirtual user depending on security setting of the account. Below is how to generally raise a Customer Service Ticket based on the account.
Staff: Your staff will mostly (depending on company process) be the ones creating these tickets. You may have an email address that the customer can contact to raise any concerns about the consignment, or you can allow them the appropriate access as shown above. Your staff can also follow the above process, however there are more options for them, they can use the flagged comments screen, and they will also have a box within the Communication tab that allows them to directly create a Customer Service Ticket.
To operate Customer Service Tickets, you will be required to go and open one, as described above, you can do this through any Service Ticket screen. Once in the Customer Service Ticket itself, you will be able to perform a range of motions to communicate and liaise with the customers. You can:
Assign to any staff member.
Change Ticket Status to what is appropriate.
Select category of issue.
Adjust Ticket Source.
Select Priority.
Change Customer.
Change Agent.
Assign to internal group such as Customer Service or Operations.
Add/Edit/Remove Comments.
Upload Files/Images.
Track System Events.
Talk to the customer and filter through the ticket itself.
Utilizing these features will allow you to effectively communicate with the customer and appropriately track the issues resolution process.
Some extra capabilities that can be added later on would include the ability to utilise EDI Rules, these can be applied to send out notifications of Ticket Status changes, note additions or any changes made within the ticket.
There is also the ability to setup Customer Service Ticket Import EDI rules which, when used in conjunction with both an SMTP setup and corresponding EDI export rules, would allow you to have a customer send an email to your business email address, which then gets auto forwarded to the address linked to the EDI import rules and generates a Customer Service Ticket. From here your staff allocate the tickets accordingly and action as appropriate. Any comments made can be exported back to the customer through any setup EDI rules; when used as intended, this process effectively allows you to communicate via email to a customer and at the same time allows communication to be recorded against the relevant consignment in Transvirtual.
For further information on how to create Customer Service Ticket for Export EDI rules, click here, and for Import EDI rules, click here.