Customer Service Ticket EDI Export

Customer Service Ticket EDI Export

In Transvirtual there is the ability to create Customer Service tickets for a consignment. The purpose of these tickets is to raise any issues to the attention of your team so that they can be resolved.
Transvirtual can export any created ticket information and send this to a location through the use of EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) export rules. These exports utilize methods such as FTP, email, etc to transmit the data out of Transvirtual.
This article will detail how to setup a common example, sending an email to a customer when a Customer Service Ticket has been raised for them.
The customer service ticket page can be found under Import/Export > Data Export > Customer Service Tickets.
This article assumes you have already setup an SMTP; this is where outgoing emails from Transvirtual send via an email of your choosing, rather than a Transvirtual one. For help on how to set this up, click here.

Create/Add Customer Service Ticket 

1. Once you navigate to the customer service ticket page, the page will look like as below.

2. To create a new export rule, on export customer service ticket page, click on the New Rule button, a pop-up Create a new export rule will be appear as shown below.

3. Now manually enter the rule and select the export framework with the help of drop and down button.     
      a. Rule Name: This is the name you will give the EDI rule. The name you give this rule should be reflective of what the rule does. For this example, we are going to name it "Email to Customer on Ticket Creation".
      b. Export Framework: This is the method by which Transvirtual will export the data this rule sends. This example will use Email.
4. Once details have been filled, click on Create button to add this EDI rule, the rule will now appear in the customer service ticket list in orange color indicating that it is currently inactive. Now, click on the rule and the rule details will appear on the right side of the screen as shown below.

5. On rule details screen, scroll down to the page to go to data filter section and configure it. This data filter determines when this EDI rule will apply and when it will not apply.
6. To apply logic to the Data Filter, you have to select the field, Logic and Value and then click on Add rule button, the rule will reflect in the data filter screen as shown below.
In this example we are going to select System Event in the Select Filed, Equal in Logic and Ticket Opened in Select Value section respectively, as shown above.
At present, the Data Filter will apply this EDI rule to any consignments that have recently been created (opened).
You could add extra logic to this Data Filter if you like to cover other scenarios, but for this example, we are going to leave as is.
7. Once the Data Filter has been configured, now configure the rules detail as follows:
      a. Rule Name: This field already be populated from when the rule was created. If needed, you can change the Rule Name; the name should be reflective of what the rule does. We are going to leave as is for this example.
      b. Trigger Period: This is how often this EDI rule will run. You can change to be a set time of day or at set intervals with the help of using the Settings button next to this field as shown below.
Apply any changes in trigger period setting, but for this example we are going to set as Every 2 mins.
      c. Export Framework: This is the method that Transvirtual will use to export the information generated by this EDI rule.
      In this example will use email. If required, you can customize the email that is sent with the export using the Settings button next to this field, once clicked, you will see an Email Setting screen as shown below.

In this example, we are enabling the toggle button for Send to the Ticket Contact Email address.
      i. Toggling this to YES means that when the email sends it will send to the email listed as the ticket contact:

This example assumes that you have already setup an SMTP so that outgoing emails are sent via your own email address rather than a Transvirtual one:
            ii. Now, update the email settings as below:
                  a. Email Account: This is important because when the ticket contact receives an email about a newly created ticket they have, if they are to respond to that email, if you have an SMTP setup the return       email will go back to your own email. This is an important step in setting up this export rule. We are going to use our Customer Service email address to send out any emails generated by this EDI rule.
                  b. Email To: This field should only be used for internal staff where possible. We are going to leave blank for this example as we only want to send to the Ticket Contact Email.
                  c. Email Subject: This field can be used to create an email subject of your choosing. For this example, we are going to use the below:

The @Model.TicketNumber is a special coding function that automatically populates the ticket number. For this to work, this code must be spelt exactly as per the above
      iii. Once details have been setup. now go to Email Body section by clicking on the Body tab, the Email body section will display as shown below.

            a. In email body, manually enter the content and then click on Validate or Update button as shown above.
The @Model.RelatedNumber is a special coding function that will automatically populate the consignment number that this ticket is related to. For this to work correctly, the code must be spelt exactly as above.
            b. You can also include the below content in your email body.
This is another special coding function that will send the user a URL they can go to add comments to their open ticket and view/track its progress. Not required but may be useful.
The validate button at the bottom of this window which will give you a preview of what the email will look like. The Validate button also checks any coding you have entered and will alert you is there are any issues that require resolving.
d. Export File Type: This section can be used to include attachments that are sent with the email. For this example, we are not sending any attachments, so we are going to select None and then click Update button to save the changes.

e. Now, finally enable the rule. To enable this rule, click on Enable Export toggle in Yes and then click on Update as shown above.
f. The rule will now appear in white in your list indicating that the rule is now active as shown below.

g. Now, when a new Customer Service Ticket gets opened (created), the email address listed as the ticket contact will receive an email informing them that a new ticket has been created and for what consignment.

Example Setup - Ticket Comment

The above paragraph has detailed how to setup an EDI rule that emails a customer when a ticket has been created for them. There is also the option to create another EDI rule (from within the same page) that exports any comments made on a ticket to the relevant customer ticket contact.
The setup to for this kind of EDI rule is largely the same as the above, with a few minor differences.
An example of how to set this type of rule up would be:
1. On Export Customer Service Ticket page, click on the Create New Rule button and manually add Rule name and specify Export Framework with the help of drop-down button.
For this example, we are going to name the rule "Email Ticket Comment to Customer" and the Export Framework will be Email.
2. Go to the data filter section and enter the details in a similar way as shown below.
Select Note type for select field, Equal as Logic and UserNotPublic in select value section with the help of drop-down button and finally click on add rule. Adding this detail in the Data Filter means we want the export to apply when there is a public comment added to the ticket.
Public comments are those that anyone with access to this ticket can see.
3. When adding comments there is the ability to toggle a setting that allows you to hide comments from customers (if needed). To do this, first go to the ticket and then simply click on Add Comment, add a new ticket comment/note pop-up will display, now either enable/disable the customer visible toggle (as per requirement).
3. Once the data filter section configured, now click on the setting of Export Framework, and configure the email being sent to send to the Customer Ticket Contact as per the first example in this article.
4. Give the email an appropriate subject; you can add in @Model.TicketNumber code here. Doing this means that Transvirtual will see the same ticket number being used in the responses and will group all responses in the one thread/which will appear together on the same ticket.
5. In the Email Body, you can use these 3 pieces of code as below:
      a. @Model.TicketNumber: Used to automatically generate the ticket number.
      b. @Model.RelatedNumber: Used to automatically generate the linked consignment number.
      c. @Model.NewNoteComment: Used to automatically generate the comment text that has been added.
6. Once done, you can see the email body similar to below screen.

The coding text must be spelt exactly as the above for this to work properly.
7. Now, click on Validate to preview the email and also to check for any errors with any coding text.
8. Once the appropriate settings have been configured, enable the export rule toggle to activate it.
This process works best with an SMTP setup - refer to top of article for further information on this.
For further information on Customer Service Tickets, please refer here.

Extra Information

1. If you have configured a customer service ticket EDI export to send to a staff allocated email address and the assigned staff member on a ticket does not have an email address listed against their staff card, the system will instead send the email to the email address listed against the below section in Global Setup page.

It is advisable that all staff members have an email attached to their staff card as this helps with multiple functionalities across Transvirtual.
2. You can identify whether a staff member has an email against their staff card or not by going to Transport > Configuration and Setup > Card Files, click on Staff (User) tab as shown below.

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