Driver Details

Driver Details

Driver Details

Driver details page will show you the details related to Driver Licence along with driver skills and Licence image. These details help to track the driver licence such as Licence Expiry date, Licence Type etc. and take necessary action accordingly.
Driver Details is a tab which is present in Staff Card Files details page. To know more about staff detail, click here
This article helps you to update the driver licence details along with Driver Skills.

You can see the driver detail tab, if user will enable the mobile access. To enable it simply clicks on the toggle button in Yes position.


To locate the Mobile settings, simply go to the detail section of the staff card file and scroll down to see the mobile settings. 

1. To see the Driver details page, go to Transport > Configuration and Setup > Card Files (Customer/Suppliers/Staff), now click on Staff Users, the staff list will display. Now click on applicable staff whose detail you want to see and then click on Driver Details tab as shown below.

To Add/Update Licence Detail

1. To add/update the Licence Detail, on driver details tab, enter the details as follows.
      a. First Name: Enter the driver first name.  
      b. Last Name: Enter the driver's last name here.
      c. Licence Number: Enter the Licence Number.      
      d. Expiry Date: Licence Expiry date.
      e. Licence Type: With the help of drop and down select the licence type.
      f. Address: Driver address enter here.
      g. Suburb: Manually enter the suburb details.
      i. Date of Birth: Enter the driver date of birth with the help of Calander.
      j. Conditions: Manually enter the driver condition.
      k. Card Number: Card number if any.

To know more about Licence type, click here.

2. Once you completed the step 1, click on Save button to save the changes as shown below.


Licence Image

1. If you wish to upload the licence image, then on the bottom of the driver detail page, either select the image from the database by clicking on it or drop and down the image in the specified field as shown below.


2. If you want to view/remove the image, then click on applicable button as shown below.


3. If you are trying to remove the image then click on Remove button, a confirmation pop up will come here click on Yes, delete, the applicable image will be deleted as shown below.


Driver Skills

1. On driver detail page, right side of the screen you can see there is a section specified for driver skills, this section shows the skills related to this driver as shown below.


2. On driver skill section, you can edit, delete and add a skill.

To add a Driver Skill

1. To add a driver skill on driver skill section, click on Add Driver Skill button as shown above, a pop up for Edit Driver Skill will display as shown below.
2. With the help of drop-down button, select the Driver Skills and then enter the Expiry Date with the help of Calendar, now click on Save button, the skill will add in driver skill list as shown below.


If you wish to know more about driver skill, click here.

To Edit/Delete a Driver Skill

1. If you want to edit the driver detail then click on Edit Icon, the edit driver skill pop up will display, here you can update the driver skill and expiry date and then click on save button to update the changes as shown below.

2. If you wish to delete the driver skill then click on Delete Icon, a confirm dialog pop up will display, click on Yes button, the selected skill will delete from the database as shown below.


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