This section helps you to turn on visible alerts for the user. These alerts will appear in the top right of the header as a red notification. You can enable these setting by clicking on the applicable checkbox as shown below.
When Driver has Requested Mobile Access: When a user's signs up via the mobile app they will need your company Transvirtual number to connect to your system. A notification will be displayed for you to authorise access to these devices.
When Customer has Requested Transvirtual Link: Your customers who are Transvirtual users can request to link accounts. This gives you seamless access to consignment data relating to freight they have assigned to you. The customer will also have access to consignment status data as it moves through your delivery network.
When Agent has Requested Transvirtual Link: Your agents who are Transvirtual users can request to link accounts. This gives you seamless access to consignment data relating to freight you are assigning to them. Your agents will also have limited access to consignment data that you assign to them.
When customer (or agent) adds comment to a consignment: When a customer, or agent, adds new comments to a consignment (within the communications tab) they are flagged. If you enable this setting, you will be alerted to new comments.
Customer Export Rule Requires Approval: Enables notification when customers send export rules to your Transvirtual account.
Authority to Leave entered by Receiver: Allow Authority to Leave in Tracking option must be enabled from the Settings Page for this option to work. When a receiver enters an Authority To Leave (ATL) on the delivery day before the driver arrives, an alert will be displayed to notify the driver of the ATL update.
Additional Service Requires Approval: If a delivery was unable to be delivered and requires an additional service, this will notify the user that this service requires approval.
This feature allows you to send different print jobs direct to a nominated printer (e.g., label or connote) bypassing the print dialogue window and removing the requirement to open PDF's in another tab/window. It provides a single click solution which streamlines and improves the efficiency of printing with Transvirtual.
It may take 10-20 seconds for the options to display. If you have already installed the utility and you are prompted to reinstall it, reload/refresh the page from your browser and wait for the utility to reload.
For additional help you can contact
Click 'Print' from the menu to open the 'Print Dialog Box'.
Select your desired printer.
Click 'Print' button again to trigger print job.
To assist users that are creating large numbers of consignments each day, we have implemented the Browser Print Processor. This utility allows the browser to send print jobs directly to your local printers without any user interaction required. Different printers can be nominated for consignment notes and labels. With this option enabled, as soon as a consignment is created and saved the connote/label will be sent to the appropriate printer.
1. Go to the Printer Settings section of your profile page. The quickest way to get there is to click on your login name to the right of the header bar and click on the Profile as shown below.
You may need to refresh your page when completed. You will then have the opportunity to nominate which printers you would like to assign to print both consignment notes and labels, as shown below.
From the consignment creation page, you can use the sliders in the bottom right box to turn the printing options ON or OFF.