Integration - General Information

Integration - General Information

Cross Client Data/Integration Requests

Transvirtual works with a range of interconnected clients and prides ourselves in the robustness and easy roll out of our integrations. Sometimes we are approached with requests to:
  • Confirm the presence/absence of data in another Transvirtual account
  • Confirm the transmission of data to/from another Transvirtual account  

The first step should always be to contact the other account holder to request their assistance. There are tools available to review these situations and easily trigger/resend data if appropriate. Our support staff are available to assist as required. 

In order to maintain the privacy of each client's data and account information, support staff will not discuss or disclose information about the availability (or lack thereof) or the transmission (successful or otherwise) of specific data without the explicit permission of both parties.

Prior to the start of any detailed discussions, we'll require written approval in the form of an email (with representatives of both accounts copied in).

Extra Information

  1. If you wish to raise a Customer Integration request, click here and for agent integration click here.
  2. To know more about CSV Import, click here.  
  3. If you wish to know about the attributes which used as a Validation, Authorization, Specification of Services, provided to/given by partner when setting up an integration between the partner and Transvirtual click here.
  4. If you wish to know about XML format for POD Import, Scan Import Status Import etc., click here.
  5. To know about API request, click here.

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