Staff List

Staff List

This article helps how to add, update, and delete a user.
1. To see the Staff (Users), go to Warehouse > Configuration Setup > Staff List, the staff (Users) list page will come as shown below.


2. On staff page, you can see the list of users where you can see the below details:
A) Login Name
B) Display Name
C) Mobile Number
D) Last Activity
E) Email Address
F) Headport
G) Time Zone
H) IT Only
I) Internal Chat Groups
J) Memo
K) Other

Add a New User

1. To add a new user, on Staff (User) page, click on New User, a pop-up Crete a new user will display as shown below.

2. Enter the Username, Password and then click on Add to add the user.

1. First name and Last name are optional fields when adding a new user.
2. If you wish to enable the user for mobile device access, use the toggle button in Yes position.

To Update/Delete a User

1. To update any user detail in the database, double click on the any of the detail, which is present on the user list, a new page for view and edit card file will open as shown below.

2. To know more, how to update or add the staff details, click here.
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