

In the Transvirtual mobile application, you can search the consignments via scanning barcodes or typing consignment numbers and perform some actions on the consignments.
1. To search any consignment, on mobile home screen, tap on Search icon, you will be presented with the below screen.

2. If you wish to activate the camera to scan the consignment, simply tap on Barcode icon and scan the barcode or can manually enter the consignment number in the Enter/Scan Barcode field as shown above.
3. Once the consignment details have been loaded you will be presented with the screen below.


4. Now, you will be able to see details such as the status of the consignment, details of delivery/pickup suburb, Item details and associated scans, any deliveries which have taken place and any comments entered against the consignment.
5. Additionally, you can also perform other actions against the consignment. To do so tap on the Edit icon () at the top right of the screen as shown above and you will be presented with the below options.


  1. Add Comment: Add a comment(s) to the consignment for notes and records.
  2. Add Photo: Add photo(s) against the consignment for records.
  3. Edit Booking: Allows for the delivery/pickup booking date/time to be changed or set along with comments.
  4. Check Weights: Allows for the dimensions or weights of the items to be updated if required. To know more how check weights work, click here.
  5. Print Consignment:  Print the consignment to any connected printer.
  6. Print Labels: Print any label(s) to any connected label printer.
  7. Equipment Control: This button allows you to view/override the current equipment assigned to this consignment. 
  8. Cancel: If you do not want to edit anything related to consignment, tap on Cancel button. 
The check weight will be visible if you enable the Allow Reweighting toggle and similarly, to see the equipment control button, enable the Equipment Control Module toggle from global setup.
                                                                                          For Reweighting                                                                      For Equipment Control
To navigate the above toggles, go to Configuration > General > Global Setup, on General tab, for Reweighting toggle go to Scanning section and for Equipment Control toggle go to Module section.

Equipment Control

1. To view/edit the current equipment assigned to this consignment, on search screen, first scan the consignment, the consignment detail will display (refer screen 01) as shown below. 

2. Tap on the Equipment Control, equipment control screen (refer screen 03) will display as shown above.
3. Now, manually enter the equipment count (If required) or can view the existing count. After updating or viewing, tap Ok to save the changes.
4. Once step 3 is completed, you will be redirected to the consignment details screen (refer screen 04).  

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