Planning Module - Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs)

Planning Module - Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs)

The purpose of a FAQs is generally to provide information on frequent questions or concerns related to bulk freight. 

An error related to Licence Type when creating a load for bulk as shown below.


Solution: Generally, this issue occurs when driver licence type not matched with the vehicle details configuration which can be set manually. To do or see it, go to vehicle list and select the applicable vehicle, now by default vehicle detail page will display. Now, go to bottom of General Information and see the Licence Requirement as shown below.
If it is selected, then this Licence Requirement should match the Driver Licence Type which is described in Licence Type article. To know more about Licence Type, click here.

An error(s) related to Weight Value or Cubic Value and how can we check them how much cubic and weight value is left in that container?


Solution: This issue occurs when either cubic value or Actual Weight or both is(are) high. This Weight and Cubic is specified in compartment section. This warning occurs after the consignment assign to load.
The negative value indicates the excessive load present in compartment. To know more about compartment, click here.  

An error related to Maintenance.


Solution: This issue occurs when your vehicle is under maintenance. This error message helps you to check what, and all vehicles are under maintenance. You can do this manually to do so, go to vehicle list page and click on applicable vehicle who is under maintenance and then by default vehicle detail tab open, go to additional information section and then enable the Vehicle is Out for Maintenance toggle in Yes position as shown below.

Similar way once your vehicle maintenance completed, you can disable by click on toggle button in No position.

What can we do if load reference number is not visible when unlocking any load?

Solution: When unlocking any load and load reference number seems to be blank in that case the system will automatically generate a 6 digits alphanumeric number which helps you to unlock the load, as shown below. 

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