Linking TransVirtual Accounts

Linking TransVirtual Accounts

Linking Transvirtual accounts is easy; by linking accounts you will be able to transmit data between yourself and your agent/customer. To link Transvirtual accounts, you need to ensure that:
- The customer/agent has Transvirtual.
- You have their Transvirtual account number.
- You have permission from your customer/agent. 
- You have the visible alerts turned on in your login.
Account Linking is only possible with a 1-1 type relationship. If you have multiple accounts with a 'linked' agent (they also use Transvirtual), you will need to request an integration setup between your accounts instead.
Businesses such as Freight Managers/Brokers have multiple accounts with agent/carriers, so they typically need an integration setup rather than an account link as this article details.  

Step 1 - Enable Visible Alerts

1. To start, make sure you have the correct visible alerts enabled in your Transvirtual account. You can do this, go to the top right corner, click on your name and then select your profile. Alternatively, you can navigate to Transport > Configuration and Setup > Card Files, click on Staff (Users), then select the applicable staff login.
2. One you select the applicable staff, the staff detail page will open, here go to Visible Alerts section and are in your login settings and select a range of visible alerts. 

To link transvirtual account, make sure to enable both agent and customer link requests by ticking on them as shown above.
2. After you enable the link request, when a link request is sent, this designated login will be able to see, and respond to any incoming link request.
Now that you have alerts turned on, follow below steps to request a link.

To see your Transvirtual Number

1. Go to the Transvirtual homepage by clicking on the Transvirtual Logo. Your number will be in the bottom left corner under the system information section as shown below.

2. Now, ask your Customer/Agent to provide their own Transvirtual number. Once you get their Transvirtual number, enter this number into their customer/agent card file.
1. Now, you have your customer/agent Transvirtual number hence you can request the link. To do this go to the customer or agent card file page by navigating to Transport > Configuration and Setup > Card Files > Customer or Agent page.
2. Now you have two options to send a link as below:
Option 1: Create the link through a new customer card


Option 2: Going into an existing card file and select the request link button

1. Once you send this request, the customer or agent will receive a notification to accept the link.
2. They will see a notification, which they can access by clicking the Bell Icon at the top of their Transvirtual page.
3. The request will look like this as below.
4. They can either create a new card file or link to an existing card file in their account. Once they click on the request will take them to a new page:


1. The above is how to link in either direction, ensure that you have liaised with your customer or agent to get this link up and running.
2. Always ensure to check and test the link to ensure data is flowing correctly and as expected.
If you are the customer in the link arrangement, you will need to determine how consignments are assigned to your linked agent. Consignments can be assigned manually via the Allocation Page, within the history tab of a consignment or via Auto-Assignment.
As the agent processes the consignments, Updates, and PODs will flow back to update the relevant consignments in your account. 

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