Futile simply means the driver was unable to complete the pickup, and the Futile Pickup Review page is a means of being able to review each Futile Pickup and action accordingly. A Futile Pickup is one that has been marked as Futile by a driver through the mobile app.
1. In Transvirtual, you have the ability to review any pickup type consignments that have been marked as Futile. To do this, first you will need to enable the below setting, which is located under Configuration > General > Global Setup > Consignment Related Rules.
2. When you enable this setting, you can see that another page for Futile Pickup will be visible when navigating to Transport > Administration > Futile Pickup as shown below.
This article will detail what this page looks like and how to use it.
How to
1. To see the futile pickup review page, click on Futile Pickup Review, you will see a screen like the below.
2. You can see that there are two consignments in the list here. You will also notice that the details for the Futile Pickups appear on the right side of the page as shown above.
3. On futile pickup detail screen, you can see the basic details as below.
a. Consignment Number: In this section, you can see the Consignment number.
b. Customer: Customer Name.
c. Sender/ Receiver Information: Sender and Receiver name and address.
d. Item/Description: Item name and its description.
e. Driver Notes: This section the driver entered about why they marked the job as Futile.
4. Create a Charge Consignment: Toggling this, will create a separate consignment to be used for charging purposes.
For example, if you need to charge for the futile pickup attempt and are still going to re-attempt the original pickup, you should select this toggle. Doing this creates a new consignment assigned to that (selected consignment's customer) customer and assigns the appropriate charge to it. You also still have the original pickup consignment that can be used to charge the original consignment price. This is a good way to ensure, you charge for each pickup attempt you make.
a. To use this, you will need to enable the toggle in YES position and then select any one of the 4 buttons from pickup actions as shown below.
5. Doing this then removes the original pickup from the grid and you will see a pop-up appear at the top indicating the new consignment number as shown below.
6. On futile pickup detail page, at the bottom of the page, there is a section for Pickup Actions which helps to re-book this futile pickup, or you can delete the consignment. In the Pickup Actions section there are few buttons detailed as below:
a. Rebook Today/Tomorrow: When you click Rebook Today or Rebook Tomorrow, the consignment will re-assign itself the previous driver that marked the job as Futile and will appear on their device.
Once you click one of these, the consignment will disappear from the list as it is now no longer Futile, and you are going to re-attempt it. If you leave the consignment 'un-actioned' (do not review from this page) the consignment will re-assign to the previous driver that marked the job as Futile and will appear on their device - the system assumes you will re-attempt the job unless otherwise stated.
b. Clear PU/Delete Consignment: This button will cancel/delete the selected consignment.
Make sure that you only use this button if the consignment is no longer required; perhaps it was raised in error hence why the driver was unable to complete the pickup?
Use this Clear PU/ Delete Consignment with caution. c. Clear PU/Retain Price: This button allows you to remove the pickup flag from the consignment and put the consignment to a status of Hold whilst maintaining the price for charging purposes; perhaps you are not going to re-attempt the pickup but need to charge the customer still. You can then action the consignment accordingly from here.
If the consignment needs to be re-assigned, you will need to do so manually via the consignment history tab or through the pickup allocation screen.
7. To know more how the futile pickup works in mobile app, then click