Finance/Invoice Setup Process
Transvirtual has an optional add-on Finance module that allows you to add pricing to consignments and invoice out consignments to customers; as well as send these invoices across to your accounting software (Myob or Xero) so that you can keep track of your finances. Finance can also be used to track agent costs in a similar manner to customers.
This article will detail what is typically involved in getting this setup in your account.
The First Step
1. The first step for setting up this process is to create rate cards and assign customers or agents to them.
2. For more information on how to setup rate cards, click
3. To setup rate cards you will first need a zone list that applies to the rate card. For information on how to set a zone list up, click
Process so far is to create a zone list and apply it to a rate card. Keep in mind that the setup for both customers and agents is much the same.
Specifying Invoice Terms
1. After you have setup the appropriate customer or agent rate cards, you then need to specify the invoicing terms. For more information on how to do this, click
The above link explains how to modify the invoicing terms at a global (account-wide) level.
2. If you have multiple customers or agents that all have different invoicing terms, you can customize them to be unique. To do this, simply go to either Transport > Configuration and Setup > Card Files, to go Customer List click on Customer or click on Suppliers (Agents) to see the agent tab, and then finally go to
Finance tab. Customer and Agent cards will look like as below.
From within the specific customer or agent card you have the ability to override any global default settings to be unique to that customer or agent.
Setting up an Invoice Report Template
1. Another important consideration when setting up the finance/invoicing process is customizing your report templates. Please click
here for further information on this.
Setting up EDI Rules
From here, the next step is to setup EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) rules that export invoice data to the customer/agent or to an accounts package such as Myob or Xero.
Setting up EDI rules to Send Invoices to a Customer or Agent
For information on how to setup EDI rules to export invoices out to customers/agents please click
Please ensure that testing is carried out before any EDI rules are implemented - might be a good idea to test by sending emails to yourself via the EDI rules and then making the appropriate changes before enabling for customers or agents.
Setting up EDI rules to send invoices to an Accounts Package
Transvirtual has the ability to export invoices (both agent and customer) to an accounts package; either Myob or Xero. To know more how to set this up, click
Next Steps
The below links will take you to useful help articles related to Finance/Invoice setup:
Customer Invoicing
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