Invoice Export

Invoice Export

In Transvirtual you can setup an EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) that automatically sends PDF, Excel, CSV (etc.) Invoice files to a Customer or Agent, based on specific situations. So, when an Invoice is Approved and Locked you can have an email (for example) send to a customer email address. This process is also possible via FTP, etc; however, email is the simplest method of setup, and this is what this article will show you how to do.
This requires the Finance module as that is the only way Invoices can be generated.
To see the invoice page, go to Import/Export > Data Export > Invoice. 

Create/Add a New Rule

1. To create a new rule, on Export Invoices page, click on New Rule as shown below.
2. A pop-up Create a new export rule will display as shown below.

3. Now manually enter the Rule Name where you input what you want this rule to be called and select the Export Framework with the help of Drop and Down button, then click on the Create to add the rule as shown above.
In this example we will use Test 01 as a Rule name and Email in Export Framework.
4. Once rule is created then it will display on Export Rules tab and highlighted in Orange color as shown below.
The Orange color shows that this rule is not yet active.
5. Now, click on the new rule and the details for selected rule will appear on the right side of the screen as shown below.             

6. Here you can add/update the detail of the rules but before updating the rule first setup the data filter, the data filter helps when this rule will apply to a consignment as describe below.

Data Filter

1. To see the data filter tab, on rule detail screen, scroll down at the bottom of the page, where you will see Data Filter section. The Data Filter is the driving force behind when the rule will and won't apply to a consignment.
2. On data filter section, select the details for Select Field (Screen 01), Logic (Screen 02) and Select Value (Screen 03) and then click on Add Rulethe rule detail will display on Data Filter screen (Screen 04) as shown below.
In this example, we are going to select InvoiceState in Select Field, Equal in Logic and ApprovedLocked in Select Value field.

Update/Edit the Rule

1. Click on newly added rule, and you will see the rule details on the right side as shown below.                                                                                                                                                                     
2. You can update the details as follows:
      a. Rule Name: Name given to rule. Can be changed at any point but should be reflective of what the rule will be used for/does. This example will leave rule name as was set on initial creation.
      b. Trigger Period: How often the rule will look to export new files. In this example it will be set to the default Every 2 mins value. 
      c. Export Framework: is used to specify how the information will be exported from Transvirtual. In this example we are selecting it Email, here you can update the exporframework setting by clicking on setting button, edit email setting popup will display.    
You have the ability to customize the FTP, E-mail, Webservice, Printer, Account Package and SMS using the Settings button.
      Export Framework Setting
            Once you click on the export framework setting, you will see a screen similar to the below.

      a. On Edit the email settings, you can update/add the basic details related to email as below.
           i. Email Account (Optional):   
           ii. Send to Customer Contact: Enable the toggle if you wish to send the email to sender mail ID.
           iii. Send to Assigned Agent Contact: Enable the toggle if you wish to send the email to a receiver mail ID. 
In the 'Send to Customer Contact' or the 'Send to Assigned Agent Contact' fields you can select a contact to email this information to. If you choose Accounts Payable for the Customer Contact, for example, this will email to the email address listed under Accounts Payable in the related Customer Card as shown below.

This information can be found under Transport > Configuration and Setup > Card Files (Customers/Suppliers/Staff), either click on Customer List or Suppliers (Agents) tab and then click on Contact Details
            iv. Email To: Manually enter the email in the email to field.
The Email To field should typically be used for internal staff unless the Data Filter for this EDI rule is limited a particular customer. Any emails listed in the Email To section will receive all emails generated by this EDI rule; so, it is advisable that only internal staff emails be listed here. For this example, we are going to leave this field blank as we are sending emails to a Customer Contact.
            v. Email Subject: Enter the Email Subject in this field.                         
In this example we are using email subject as Your consignment Invoice @Model.Invoice Number.
The @Model.InvoiceNumber is a coding function that will automatically populate the consignment number into the email subject when the email is sent.
            vi. Once you completed the above steps, the Email details page will look alike as below.

            - Once basic detail has been completed, now click on Body tab and add a message of your choosing. This message will be displayed to the email recipient. 
            - Once done, click on the Update button to save the changes. 
            - The Email Body (HTML) tab allows you to manipulate HTML code for the email body; this is more advanced setup and is not covered in this example.
      d. Export File Type: Select the export file type with the help of drop and down button. In this example we are using export file type Basic CSV/Excel. 
            Export File Type Settings
            - If you wish to update the export file type settings, click on Setting next to the export file type, the setting of the selected file type will be display as shown below.

            - On the bottom of the file type setting, you can select the applicable fields using the Data to Export section.
            - If required then use the toggle button to Send PDF report to include a PDF report in the email information.
If you wish to ONLY send a PDF report you need to select Basic CSV/Excel, click settings, tick send PDF report, save changes and then from the Export File Type drop-down list select 'None' and Update using the button at the top. The only way to access the setting to turn on the PDF report is through the Basic CSV/Excel settings first and then changing the Export File Type to 'None' afterwards-this to ONLY send a PDF (no Basic CSV/Excel). Selecting Basic CSV/Excel will send this file AND the PDF report-if you have both enabled.  
            - You can update the file type, File extension name and once done, click on Update to save the changes.     
      e. Enable Export: To enable this new rule, click on Toggle in Yes position, and then click on Update button to save the rules. Once you completed the color of the rule will be in White which means that this rule is enabled.
The Memo and Rule ID Errors are not mandatory field so in this example we keep it blank.

Delete the Rule

1. If you want to delete the rule, simply click on the delete icon, a confirm dialog will pop-up, click on Yes button, the rule will be deleted from database as shown below.


Sending to an Accounts Package

In a similar method to the above, you have the ability to setup EDI export rules to send your invoice data across to your linked Accounts Package.
1. To do this, go to Import/Export > Data Export > Invoices and then click on New Rule as shown below.

2. A pop-up will display, now manually enter the new rule name and select the Export Framework.
In this example, we are going to set Invoice to Xero in rule name and AccountPackage in Export Framework.
It is advised to name the rule according to what it will do.
3. Now, click on Create, this rule will then appear in orange in the list on the left. Now click on this rule and update the detail displayed on the right side of the page, starting with the data filter at the bottom of the page.

Data Filter
A. The data filter should appear as per the above. To add the data filter, first Select Field, Logic and then Select Value field with the help of Drop and Down button and then finally click on Add Rule.
In this example we are using as Invoice State in Select Field, Logic will be Equal and ApprovedLocked in the Select Value field.
This particular logic means that the rule will only apply to any invoices that get locked and approved; at which point these will flag to be sent across to your Accounts Package.
The rest of the settings are okay to leave as is - just need to enable the rule and turn on the rule!

Edit Export Rule Helpers

1. If needed, you have the ability to extend on your EDI rule setup to send to your linked Accounts Package to be able to further split up and nominate what invoice information should be sent to what code in your Accounts Package.
2. To do this, click on Edit Export Rule Helpers button as shown below.

3. After step 2, you will be redirected to Invoices Export Rules page as shown below.
4. Now, click on New Rule and you will then have the option to name your new rule. Use the rule name according to what it will be used for.
5. In this example we are going to create two rules; one for a customer called TransVirtual and the other for a customer called TEST Customer. The purpose of these rules is that we are going to send their invoice data to account codes different to the default listed against the Income Link for our linked Accounts Package as shown below.
5. Now click on the rule whose detail you want to edit, the detail page will display on the right side of the page and update them, accordingly, starting with the data filter at the bottom of the page as shown below.

6. Using the data filter, we are going to select Customer Name from step 1, Equal from step 2 and then type the customer's name TransVirtual exactly as it is listed in your account. Click Add Rule and you will then see that the data filter now has text/logic populated as shown below.

At present, this rule will only apply to invoices where the customer's name is TransVirtual.
7. Now, update the rule details as describe below.

      a. Rule Name: Setup when the rule was created. Can be changed if needed but should reflect what the rule will do.
      b. Price Value: This is what information will be sent to the nominated Account Code, Job Code and Category.
For this example, we will set as Grand Total which means the Grand Total invoice amount will be sent to the listed Account Code, Job Code and Category.
      c. Account Code: The Account Code you wish to send the Price Value to, where you wish to send this data to in your linked Accounts Package.
      d. Job Code: The Job Code you wish to send the Price Value to, where you wish to send this data to in your linked Accounts Package.
      e. Category: Category you wish to send the Price Value to, where you wish to send this data to in your linked Accounts Package. This example will be changed like the below:

      - To summarize, when invoices for customer Transvirtual are approved and locked in this account, we are going to have the Grand Total price of the invoice send to the Account Code listed against this rule. This Account Code is different to the default listed against the Accounts Package.
      - We would then repeat the same process for the other rule for customer TEST customer, but instead of sending to Account Code 1-1000, the invoice data will be sent to another code in the Accounts Package.
- This is just a basic example of what can potentially be setup here.
- There are many possibilities available here such as sending all Fuel Levies to a nominated Account Code or sending Tax only to a nominated Account Code.
- Any changes made, or setups implemented should be thoroughly checked and tested to ensure all works as expected!

Extra Information

1. It is possible to setup EDI Invoice rules and have them send via means other than email. These are generally more complicated and require more advanced knowledge.
2. It is also possible to have other criteria/conditions in your data filter. The logic in the above example is the most basic and is a good default setup. If you wanted to only send this information to one Customer, you could also add logic into the data filter that says when the Invoice is Approved and Locked and the Customer name is 'X', send this information to this email address. There are many possibilities for EDI setups.
- The setup for an agent invoice EDI export is much the same as the above with the main differences being where the email is sent and what information is sent with the csv or export file.
- Please keep in mind that if exporting pricing to an agent, make sure you check you are NOT sending customer prices instead of supplier/agent pricing UNLESS that is what is required. 
- Please also consider the data filter for this setup if required and also ensure that all necessary testing is performed where possible before the rule is implemented. 

Error messages

1. There may be times when you get an error when trying to send data across to an accounting package (such as Xero, MYOB). If this occurs, it could be due to an error/configuration issue from the accounting package end or from within your Transvirtual account. Typical issues that could arise includes but not limited to:
- Locking a month/accounting period in the accounting package. Xero (for example) allows users the ability to Lock or close an invoice date which means if you are trying to send an invoice across to Xero and the date falls within that locked range, Xero will not let the data transfer across, and the export will continue to fail from the Transvirtual end (until the period is 'unlocked' or the export stops trying to send across from the Transvirtual end). 
If a transfer is not occurring, you may need to Refresh your accounting package link:

- If changes to contact details/cards in the accounting package have occurred, a 'refresh' may need to be performed to allow any invoice exports to sync across. 
- You may also see an error of card file not mapped. This simply means that the customer or agent has not been linked to a spot in the linked accounting package within their card file (under the Finance tab):

Transvirtual needs this information to know where to send the invoice data for that customer/agent. 

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