Customer Service Ticket

Customer Service Ticket

Customer Service Tickets

Customer Service Tickets are a vital function in Transvirtual, they are used for customers to raise issues with your staff; they can ask for assistance in relation to any consignments experiencing issues. This article will run through the general Ticket process and provide an overview of what the relevant pages in Transvirtual are used for/do.

Initial Overview

1. To get to your Service Tickets page, click on Operations > Customer Service > Service Tickets, the customer service ticket page will display as shown below.

Customer Service Ticket - This page is an area where you can review your ticket statistics such as how many have been solved and raised in a day. You will also notice the several available tabs where you can view your global/personal dashboards and also your global/personal lists as well as a list of unassigned service tickets.

Search (is it same as Column Selector one, if yes then will update and if no then will delete) - This page is a standard filter screen where you can search for any Customer Service Tickets in your Transvirtual account, just like you would in the search consignment screen. This page will look similar to the below:

You will be able to see the colour legend by scrolling to the bottom of the page and selecting the colour legend hyperlink in the left corner, this will display the following explanations of what each colour indicates about a Customer Service Ticket.

Flagged Comments: On this page you will find comments that have been flagged on consignments. This is so you can check the comments and decide if they require a service ticket to be created, here there are a range of settings you can use to alter/create/manipulate the comments, and the tickets created/associated.

Creating Customer Service Tickets

Raising a customer service ticket can be done by any Transvirtual user depending on security setting of the account. Below is how to generally raise a Customer Service Ticket based on the account.

Customer - A customer will generally raise a Customer Service Ticket through the consignment. They can do this by selecting the communication tab which will provide them with an option to raise their ticket, please note this is usually only available if the account is given access. Click on the top right hand corner icon () and follow the prompts or instructions describe in Consignment Details Article.

Staff - Your staff will mostly (depending on company process) be the ones creating these tickets. You may have an email address that the customer can contact to raise any concerns about the consignment, or you can allow them the appropriate access as shown above. Your staff can also follow the above process, however there are more options for them, they can use the flagged comments screen and they will also have a box within the Communication tab that allows them to directly create a Customer Service Ticket.

Handling Customer Service Tickets

To operate Customer Service Tickets, you will be required to go and open one, as described above, you can do this through any Service Ticket screen. Once in the Customer Service Ticket itself, you will be able to perform a range of motions to communicate and liaise with the customers.

You can:

  • Assign to any staff member.

  • Change Ticket Status to what is appropriate.

  • Select category of issue.

  • Adjust Ticket Source.

  • Select Priority.

  • Change Customer.

  • Change Agent.

  • Assign to internal group such as Customer Service or Operations.

  • Add/Edit/Remove Comments.

  • Upload Files/Images.

  • Track System Events.

  • Talk to the customer and filter through the ticket itself.

Utilizing these features will allow you to effectively communicate with the customer and appropriately track the issues resolution process.

Customer Service Ticket Status Definitions

Below you will find a list of the statuses you see in Transvirtual's Customer Service Tickets. Attached to these statuses are an expanded definition of what they actually mean.

  1. Created – Ticket has been created but has no other activity.
  2. Created Pending Assignment – System Generated
  3. Assigned – Ticket has been assigned to a customer service representative.
  4. Escalated Internal – Ticket has been escalated to another customer service representative.
  5. In Progress – Ticket is currently being worked on.
  6. Waiting Customer – Waiting on customer response.
  7. Waiting 3rd Party – Waiting on 3rd party response.
  8. On Hold – Ticket is on hold which pauses KPI response times.
  9. Pending Auto Close – System Generated.
  10. Auto Closed – Closed by system service.
  11. Closed – Closed by user as resolved.
  12. Closed, Not Resolved – Closed by user as unable to be resolved.
  13. Deleted – Ticket raised in error.
Some of these ticket statuses are 'Advanced Ticket Statuses' that will not display unless the below setting in the Global Settings has been enabled:

This setting can be found under Configuration General Global Setup > General tab, go to Other section, bottom-right of page and Enable this setting by clicking on it, if you require to see these additional statuses.

Unassigned List

Regardless of how a Customer Service Ticket is created in your account, the ticket will appear in the Customer Service Ticket page (Transport > Administration > Service Tickets).
1. Once a ticket has been created in your account, typically a staff member would either allocate the ticket to themselves to action or to another staff member that can assist with the issue. To assign a ticket, a staff member can use the Unassigned list by clicking on Unassigned list as shown below:


2. Click on a ticket, then click on a user from the list on the right to assign to that user. You will get a pop-up asking you to confirm, click on the Yes, assign to the selected user as shown below.


3. Once the ticket has been assigned and categorized, the staff member in charge of resolution will send a response back to the customer with an update on the resolution or how the ticket is progressing (if required). 
4. To respond to a customer via a ticket, you will need to add a comment to the relevant ticket. To do this, go to Customer Service Ticket Page and click on Your List. open ticket page will display as shown below.


5. Now double click on the Ticket Number, the ticket detail will open as shown below.


6. Click on the Add comment, comment pop up will display, add a comment in comment section and click on Add button as shown below.


7. Once a comment has been made, it will be visible to the ticket and anyone that has access to view the ticket will see the comment.
Note: Adding a ticket comment does not automatically send the response back to the customer! If using an SMTP setup, to send back any comments added to a ticket, you would need to have an appropriate ticket comment EDI export rule in place (this rule would look for comments added to a ticket and when one has been found, that information would be sent to the customer via email). If you require assistance with setting up an EDI rule for this, please refer here.
8. You can also add ticket comments via the consignment detail tab, to do so go to consignment detail page of that consignment and then click on the Communication tab as shown below.


 9. On Communication screen, click on drop and down arrow and then click on Add Ticket Comment as shown above, the add comment screen will display, now follow the step 6.
10. This method of adding a ticket comment operates in the same manner as adding via the ticket itself - you'll still need to setup EDI export rules to send comments via email to the customer if using an SMTP setup.
11. Once the ticket issue has been resolved, the ticket status should be changed to closed. To close the ticket, go to the ticket itself and close from the actions section by clicking on Close Ticket as shown below.

12. The ticket will then still appear in the search list, but it will have a status of closed.

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