In TransVirtual there is the ability to create Consignment Status Export EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) rules that send out status update information about a consignment, to a location; via FTP, Email, etc.
This page can be found under EDI > Data Export > Consignment Status Updates.
This article will run through a common setup that most TransVirtual users implement; sending On Delivery notifications to a customer (their freight has been loaded and is on its way).
After you have configured this, click the Create button to create and add this rule to your list.
You will then see the rule appear in the list. It will be highlighted in Orange, indicating it is inactive.
Click on the rule on the left and the settings for it will appear on the right-hand side:
From here we need to configure the settings.
At the bottom of the page you will see the below Data Filter:
Data Filters in TransVirtual are used to determine when an EDI rule will and won't apply to a consignment.
We need to add text (logic) to the Data Filter so that it knows when to apply this EDI rule to a consignment.
To modify the Data Filter, use the Data Filter builder at the bottom of the page:
For this example we are going to create a Data Filter that applies to consignments that currently have an On Delivery status, which is generated when a user/driver load scans a consignment.
To do this, click the builder and select the field that says Status Name:
Click the Next Button.
From here we need to apply the logic value for Step 2 of the builder. For this example we are going to say Equal:
Click the Next button to progress to step 3 of the builder.
In step 3 of the builder we are going to specify a Status Name that we want this Data Filter to apply to.
Select On Delivery:
Click Add Rule and you will then see text appear in the Dat Filter as per the below:
If you only wanted these notification emails to be sent for a specific consignment customer you could add an extra line to the Data Filter that specifies the desired customer.
Step 1 would be Customer Name, Step 2 would be Equal and Step 3 would be what the customer's name in your account is.
For this example, we want these notifications to be sent for all customers so we are going to leave as is with just the first line of logic.
Once the Data Filter has been configured, you then need to configure the settings at the top of the page:
Rule Name = This is simply the name of the EDI rule. We are going to leave as is for this example.
Trigger Period = This is the field where you specify how often the EDI rule will run. For this example we are going to set as Every 2 Mins:
Limit Exports = This setting controls how many times an EDI can be performed for the same event/consignment. For this example we are going to leave as Not Required.
Export Framework = This will determine how the information is sent out of TransVirtual. For this example we are going to set as Email.
To edit what is sent with the email, click the Settings button next to this field:
Once clicked, you will see a screen similar to the below:
The toggles at the top of this window can be used to send these emails to a consignment sender or receiver. You may want to send to the sender or receiver when their freight is On Delivery.
For this example, we are going to select a customer contact to send these notifications to using the below:
These contacts are based on what has been setup in the relevant customer's customer card under the contact details tab:
You can choose any contact section you wish, but must make sure that there is an email listed against that contact.
For this example we are going to set as General.
Email To = This should only be used for internal staff unless you are limiting this export rule to only apply to a specific customer using he Data Filter. Any emails listed here will receive all emails generated by this EDI rule; so generally speaking it is best to only list internal staff here.
For this example we are going to leave blank as we only want to send to the customer.
Email Subject = This can be used to specify an email subject.
For this example we are going to create a subject using the below:
Note: @Model.ConsignmentNumber is a special coding function that will automatically populate the consignment number for each consignment this rule triggers against.
It is very important that this code is typed exactly as per the above for this to work properly.
Once you have configured this page, we are going to amend the Email Body:
In this section you can type a message that will be sent as part of the email body. For this example we are going to use the below:
The @Model.ConsignmentTracking URL is also a special coding function that will send a link that the customer can click on to view the tracking of their consignment. Ensure that this code is spelt exactly as per the above.
Note: The Validate button at the bottom of this window can be used to preview what the email will look like and it also checks to ensure any coding functions are correct and will not cause issues. If needed, use this button to confirm setup is okay.
From here, you can click the Update button at the bottom of the window to implement these changes:
The next thing to configure is the Export File Type Settings = This is what type of file you wish to send with the email (if any).
For this example we are going to set this to None as we don't need to send any labels etc. Change the file type and set as None, then click the Update button at the top:

From here the next thing to do is enable the Export Rule using the
Enable Export toggle. Slide to YES and then click Update:

Once you have done this the rule will flag in white, indicating that it is now currently active:

Any successful EDI rules that have triggered on a consignment will appear under the communications tab of that consignment:

You can see in the above that this consignment currently has a status of On Delivery; therefore it is eligible for this EDI rule.
Delivery Updates at 30 and 15 minutes from location
In addition to the above, TransVirtual also has the ability to send out notifications to consignment customers, senders and receivers to provide notifications when their consignment is roughly 30 or 15 minutes away from being delivered.
This setup is normally done via SMS and the below example will use that to demonstrate; this will also be setup under the Status Updates page, which can be found under EDI > Data Export > Consignment Status Updates.
Users using the updated 2022 menu should go to Import/Export > Data Export > Status Updates
The Route Optimisatation module MUST be enabled for this process to work!
Once configured, click the Update button bottom-right to implement.
You will then notice that the rule appears white in colour from the list on the left - indicating it is now active:
Once setup, the rule will fire and work automatically to apply to any consignments where TransVirtual is the customer (for this example) and the current status is Mobile - Delivery ETA 15 Mins.
This status is achieved by TransVirtual talking to the driver's mobile device. Each device (as long as it is turned on and GPS is enabled) sends back GPS data periodically to TransVirtual letting the system know its location. When TransVirtual gets this information, it can work out how far away a driver/device is from a location and if 15 mins, the system assigns applicable consignments the status of Mobile - Delivery ETA 15 Mins which is then part of the trigger to send an SMS to the client informing them that their delivery will arrive shortly.
This process requires that the device remain on and that the TransVirtual app has GPS permission along with GPS being enabled from within the device settings.
This process also requires that the driver follow the run order listed on their device!
This process is only as good as the GPS data being received back from the device!