Consignment Details

Consignment Details

Consignment Details

Consignment details tab helps to see/edit the basic details related to the consignment.
1. To see the consignment details tab, on TransVirtual web portal, go to Transport > Consignmentthe consignment page will open as shown below.


2. Now, double click on the applicable consignment from consign number column, the detail page of that selected consignment will open as shown below.


3. On detail page you can edit the consignment details includes Sender/Receiver information, Consignment Items, Other information and Equipment Counts.
4. To edit the consignment details, click on the Edit Mode checkbox below the details tab, after that only you can update the consignment details as shown below.


5. On detail page if needed you can print the consignment or labels. To print the consignment or labels click on Print/Share button, the Print/Share Report data screen will come as shown below.


6. With the help of radio button, print Consignment/Labels, with the help of drop and down button select the type of print and then click on the Ok button, the print will be generated.

Consignment Settings

1. To see the consignment setting, click on the setting icon (), the Consignment Settings and Actions tab will open as shown below.


2. On Consignment Settings and Actions tab you can enable or disable any of the setting mentioned in above screenshot with the help of radio button and then click on the Action button to save the changes.

Consignment Communication

Consignment Communication allows to exchange the information internally as well as with the customer about this consignment.

1. To see the consignment communication tab, on consignment details click on the Communication the consignment tab will open as shown below.


2. On communication tab, fill the details as describe below.

A. User Comments

On user comment field, you can add comment if required. To add a comment, click on Add button, a popup Add a new consignment comment will come, here add the comment in the comment field and then click on Add button to save the changes as shown below.


If needed to show the comment either to Customer, Show Agent/Supplier and Flag Comment, use radio button in Yes position, you can either use any of them or all three at a time.

For Example: If the user comments are marked as private for internal notes and the radio button is NO position then the comments will not to be shared with the customer.

B. EDI Export Events

ON EDI Export Events field, you can see any EDI Exports that have been made against this consignment. If they are pending or incomplete, you will see them here highlighted in red. If they have been successfully exported, it will show the export date and time along with any comment made.
if can double left, click the Export to re-send (nEED TO ASK WHAT DOES IT MEAN

C. Customer Service Tickets

On Customer Service Ticket field, you can see any Customer Service Tickets that have been made against a consignment.

1. The Customer Service Ticket can be created either by clicking the Add buttonor the below button in the top right-hand corner of the page (), Create new service ticket pop up will display as shown below.


2. On create new service ticket tab, by default Customer is selected and fill the details describe below:
      a. Contact Name: Enter contact name in this field.
      b. Contact Phone: Enter phone number in this filed.
      c. Contact Email: Enter Email address in this field.
      d. Category of Issue: With the help of drop-down button select the applicable issue.
      e. Notes on Issue: Enter the notes if any in this field.
      f. Ticket Source: With the help of drop and down button select the ticket source. 
      g. Priority: With the help of drop and down button select the priority.
      h. Group Assignment: With the help of drop and down button select the group assignment.
      i. Assign Directly To: With the help of drop and down button select the assignee name, with whom you want to assign the ticket.
      j. Close Immediately: Use radio button to close the ticket.
      i. On Hold Immediately: Use radio button if you want to hold the ticket.

3. Once you complete the step 2, click on Add button to create a new ticket.
4. You can double click on the service ticket to open it.

See Customer Service Tickets for more information on using Service Tickets in TransVirtual.

System Events (Not able to see this)

Here you can see any System Event notifications that have been made against this consignment.

D. Other

  • General Note: A general note (tag) that can be added and will appear in search and reports, if required

  • Pickup Driver Alert: Alert to display to driver when pickup performed. For example: Goods ready at back door for pickup

  • Delivery Driver Alert: Alert displayed to driver when performing the delivery. For example: Customer has given authority to leave at back door.

  • Pickup Internal Memo: 

  • Send SMS: Send a manual SMS to the contacts associated with this consignment by clicking on the Send SMS button.

  • Refresh Status SummaryIf require then you can refresh the status summary by clicking on the Refresh Status Summary button as shown below.


E. Onforward Information

In this field you can see the onforward information details can display on labels and/or consignments printouts as shown below.


1. On onforward Information screen you can see and edit the below details:
      A. Name/Company
      B. Address
      C. Suburb
      D. Contact Name
      E. Contact Name
      F.  Contact Phone
      G. Contact Email
2. To edit any of the above detail(s), click on Edit button, Edit Name and Address popup will display, fill the required details and then click on the Update button to save the changes as shown below.


Consignment Tracking

Consignment Tracking is used for the Transport Business, the Customer in the Web Portal and Receiver through a Tracking URL, this will show information about the consignment's details, current status, location, Delivery details and scan history.

To go to Consignment tracking page, on consignment detail page, click on Trackingthe consignment tracking page will open as shown below.


There is also the ability for the receiver to provide instructions to the driver for Authority to leave. This can be done by entering the instructions for the driver, the name of the person making the request and clicking on Save Request.

Consignment History

This article will detail how to read and understand the history tab of a consignment.
This tab can be found by opening a consignment from the consignment search page or by searching for a consignment using the search bar at the top of the page in TransVirtual.

1. To see the History tab, on consignment detail tab, click on History button, the History tab will open as shown below.

2. As you can see in the above screenshot, there are different sections and each section containing unique information as describe below.


At the top-left of this page you can see a section called Scans. This section contains all scans that have been linked to this consignment a shown below.


The Scan column indicates what scan value was scanned. Typically, if scanning at an item level, you would see a scan value of connote number followed by 001, which indicates that item 1 of this consignment acquired this scan.
The Scan Type indicates what scan was performed.
The Date/Time field shows you when the scan was performed.
The User column illustrates the user who did the scan.
The Tag/Comment column will display any scan tags or comments applied to the scan.

Equipment Transactions

This field will display equipment transactions that have occurred on this consignment.

The Date column shows you when an equipment transaction occurred.
The Transaction Number column displays the unique transaction number listed against that row.
The Equipment column shows what equipment type was used in each transaction.
The Count column displays whether the transaction was one where equipment was given or received (the text below this section explains this further).

Consignment Status Changes

This section is used to display the statuses that this consignment has acquired at various dates and times:

The statuses are listed in chronological order from top to bottom. In the above you can see that this consignment was not created as a pickup as there is no 'Pickup Received' status listed. The first status this consignment acquired after creation was 'Assigned'.
The Status column shows the status acquired.
The Date/Time column displays the date and time the status was acquired.
The User column displays the user that caused that status to occur for this consignment. In the above you can see that Andre triggered nearly all of these statuses as likely that user was delivering the consignment and the status was changing as that was happening. 


This section is used to display the assignments that have occurred for this consignment; assignments being the employee or agent that the consignment was given to so they could pickup or deliver:

The assignments are listed in chronological order from top to bottom.
In the above you can see that this consignment was assigned to Andre on the 20/01/2022.
The Created By column shows how the assignment was generated - in the above example the user Andre Mobile scanned the consignment (load scan onto device).
The Driver/Agent shows who the consignment has been assigned to.
The Assign Date shows when the assignment occurred.
The Sync Date is only applicable to employee type assignments where a device is involved - the sync date shows when the consignment synced across to that user's device.
The Pickup column shows whether the assignment was done whilst the consignment was in a pickup state or not. No indicates no pickup required and the driver or agent has been assigned the delivery leg.

System Events

This section is used to display key events relevant to the consignment. Examples of what you might see here are text indicating when the consignment was scanned and what scan value was added to the device; when a consignment price was added to an invoice and the number of that invoice; and notifications of any failed status updates (this usually occurs when a consignment has been scanned by a scan that would normally change the status, but the status is already in that state or in a state beyond that, meaning the status doesn't change as it does not make sense to do so, etc):
The events are displayed in chronological order with the oldest at the bottom and newest or most recent at the top.
In the above you can see that the first System event to occur against this consignment was that of it adding to an invoice (likely the customer price was added to an invoice on creation). You can then see that the next event was that user Andre scanned scan value 171855001 onto his device (this ties in with the assignment section as you can see that the consignment assigned to the same user - indicating that he load scanned onto his device). The most recent event listed here is that an ETA was calculated - this occurs when the driver leaves depot (the device and system have the capability to work out an ETA from start to consignment end/receiver.
The Date/time column shows the time and date the event occurred.
The User column shows whether the event was triggered by a user or by the system (System Service).
The Comment column shows what the event was.


This section is used to display the Runsheets that this consignment may have been added to.
A Runsheet is simply a list of consignments that a device user/driver has added to the delivery page of their device (typically a driver would load scan the freight and then when happy all freight is loaded they would click leave depot which pushes the consignments to the delivery page of their device and generates a Runsheet):
In the above you can see that this consignment was added to one Runsheet only (which may often be the case) on the 20/01/2022.
The Number column displays the Runsheet number. Double-click to open and view the Runsheet.
The Date column shows when the Runsheet was generated/created.
The Driver column shows the device user/driver that created the Runsheet and thus is planning on actioning this consignment.


This section is used to display the Manifests that this consignment is a part of.
Manifests are simply lists of consignments and come in different varieties - click here for further information on manifests:
In the above you can see that this consignment has been added to 2 different manifests: a customer manifest and a Runsheet manifest (or Runsheet).
The Number column shows the manifest number. You can double-click this number to open and view the manifest.
The Date column shows the manifest date.
The Type column shows the type of manifest that the line is for.
The Driver column shows the user or customer/agent assigned to the manifest.

Data Changes - Consignment Fields

This section is used to display all changes made to a consignment and lists these changes made in chronological order with oldest at the top and newest or most recent at the bottom:
a. The Date column shows the date and time the data changed occurred.
b. The Field column is the field that is being changed/updated.
c. The Old Value column shows the previous field value. A blank Old Value indicates that no previous value existed (usually appears for field changes done when consignment has been created).
d. The New Value column shows the new value that the field is being updated to.
e. The User column shows whether the change was made by a user or the system (System Service). 
These are changes made at a consignment level.

Data Changes - Other Fields
This section is very similar to Data Changes - Consignment Fields; this section just shows extra information about other changes that may have occurred against this consignment.


These are changes made at an item level.

Consignment POD and Files Tab

POD & Files allows you to view any POD Signatures, ATL Photos or any other photo's or files associated with the consignment.

To see or upload the PODs & Files, on Consignment detail page, click on PODs & Files button, the PODs & Files screen will come as shown below.

Reassign POD Signature

In TransVirtual in some circumstances it may be necessary to move a Signature from one consignment to another or changing the file type.

Change Job (Need to Confirm below sections)

This can be done by locating the consignment the POD signature should belong to then navigating to the consignment with the signature.

In the POD & Files tab at the bottom of the signature image you are able to select reassign

You will then be presented with a list of consignments you have recently viewed and click on the consignment number you need to assign this too.

You will now see this signature under the consignment assigned to, no need to reassign the POD image as the assigned consignment will regenerate its own image.

Change File Type

In the POD & Files tab at the bottom of the image you are able to select reassign.

Select the Change File Type tab and press chance beside the type of file you would like this to become as below.

Consignment Admin

This Tab provides an operational overview of the consignment and its requirements. 


This section provides an overview of this consignment's creation, status & expected event dates.

Additional Services

This section provides a list of the customer requested or driver captured services.

Re-occur and Templates

This section allows you to create a recurring template of this consignment and lets you provide a schedule for this work.

This section lists the rating and routing zones associated with this consignment.

Consignment Finance

Consignment Finance provides the detailed view of the pricing, costs and rate assignment for a consignment.


This section provides a list of prices for this consignment.

  • You can select a price and see its details on the right-hand side of the screen under Price Info.

  • You can click the Add Price button to add a manual price to the consignment.

  • You can show deleted prices by ticking the box labelled Show Deleted in the top right-hand corner of this section.

Active Price Summary

This section provides a broken-down list of prices associated with this consignment.

Consignment Items

This section provides a list of the items within this consignment.

Price Info

This section displays the information on the price selected within the Prices section of this page.

This allows you to see how the consignment has been automatically allocated prices based from your rates and zones.

  • If you have changed details in a consignment or changed the rates to fix a pricing issue, you will need to click the Re Price button and the price will be updated based of the new details and rates.

  • You can delete a price by clicking the Delete button. Prices are not actually deleted, just disabled from view, tick the box labeled Show Deleted in the Prices section above to select and re-activate a price.

  • To assign the price to a specific invoice, click the Invoice Actions button.

Applying Costs

A weighting is applied to each consignment. 
The total costs for the selected time period are calculated.
The costs are divided across consignments based on their weighting. The higher the weighting the great the portion of costs it bears. 
To do this we gather the following information for every consignment.
  1. Cubic
  2. Dead Weight
  3. Base Price
We then total each of these variables across the selected time frame.
Reportable Costs = Consignment Total Cubic รท Account Total Cubic
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