Consignment Creation

Consignment Creation

Creating Consignments

The below will describe how to create consignments
  1. In the TransVirtual Web Portal, Select the following: Home > Consignment Actions > Create Consignments

  2. This will open a window that allows you to enter details of your new consignment

  3. Select a customer to assign to the consignment to an existing customer.

  4. Enter Sender and Receiver details

  5. Enter the details of them item(s) required for the consignment in the 'Consignments Items' section at the bottom of the page.

  6. On the right hand side of the screen is a number of boxes that allow you to further describe the consignment and its requirements.

  7. Change any of the required fields against this consignment and click save at the bottom of the page.

Users using the updated 2022 menu should go to Transport > Operational Tasks > Consignments > Create New button top-right

Consignment Items

Consignment Items can be setup to allow customer to enter any details they would like for each item.

This is fine for a simple setup, but once established in TransVirtual using rate cards you may like to present suggested names for descriptions and enforce which fields are required to save a consignment. This is all possible within TransVirtual and handled via Consignment Creation Rules. Consignment Creation Rules are available at a global default level as well as a customer enforced level.

If required, you are able to add Extra fields using the column selector:

You will then see these fields appear in the consignment items grid.
For more information on how to rename these fields please click here (see the section on Consignment Row Extra Fields).
Please keep in mind too that if you opt to use these Extra Fields, they will NOT appear on the labels or consignment note PDF by default. They must be added into the respective report templates - speak to the support team ( if you require these.

Other Information:

Dangerous Goods: Assign one or more Dangerous Goods notes about this consignment  (Click Here for information on Dangerous Goods)

Service Level: Assign the Service type against this consignment. Leave blank for the default service level. (Click Here for information on Service Levels and their setup.)

Ref Other: Enter any other references to be associated with the consignment

Ref Other 2: Enter any other references to be associated with the consignment

Pickup Required: Yes or No

  • Pickup Special Instructions - An area to describe any instructions to the driver about the pickup

  • Ready Date/Time - Allows you to define a date & time that the pickup can be performed

  • Booking Note - Allows for any extra information that is relevant to the delivery

  • Close Time - Allows you to define a cutoff time for delivery.

Delivery Details:

  • Special Instructions - An area to describe any instructions to the driver about the delivery

  • Booking Time - Allows you to define a date & time that the delivery can be delivered

  • Booking Note - Allows for any extra information that is relevant to the delivery

  • Close time - Allows you to define a cutoff time for delivery.

Point to Point: Set this toggle to yes if you require the driver to do both legs of the consignment being pickup and delivery directly without returning to depot

Additional Services can be selected and are customizable for each business.

Equipment Counts can be entered for each equipment type and are customizable for each business.

Customer Price Check. Only available if the Pricing and Invoicing module is enabled. This will provide the rate or rates available for the consignment details as entered.

Customer Price

If multiple service levels (or sub service levels) are available, the price estimate function will return the most accurate option/s based on the information provided.

Service Levels Only 
Service Level Selected
Price Estimates Displayed
If No Valid Price Found?
All valid prices from
all service levels
No valid price available!
Only valid prices from 
selected service level
All valid prices from 
all service levels


Service - Sub Service Levels 
Service Level Selected
Sub Service Level Selected
Price Estimates Displayed
If No Valid Price Found?
All valid prices from 
all sub service levels
No valid price available!
Only valid prices from 
selected service level
All valid prices from
all service levels
Only valid prices from
selected sub service level
All valid prices from
all service levels

Toggle as required if you have the browser print client installed these will print automatically otherwise these will popup as printable

Upload Miscellaneous Files

If you need to store files (images and PDFs) against consignments you can turn on a setting to allow files to be uploaded against Consignments. These will appear in the POD/Files Tab of a consignment.

Navigate to Global Setup (Settings>General>Global Setup) Consignment Related Rules and in the Other section you are able to toggle the below setting to allow files to be uploaded on consignment Creation and/or to existing consignments

Users using the updated 2022 menu should go to Configuration > General > Global Setup > Consignment Related Rules

When creating a consignment as below you will be able to drag and drop or select image or PDF files from your computer to store against consignments for later reference

Once a consignment is created you can also add image/PDF files from the POD/Files tab within a consignment

Once a file is uploaded it will appear in the POD/Files tab as below (images will be shown in preview) to be viewed or downloaded by users

TransVirtual is not a file storage or document management system. File uploads must specifically relate to the the pickup or delivery of the consignment and limits are governed by our fair use policy. Additional storage can be requested at set rates so contact us to discuss your requirements.

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