Hourly Rating for Agent

Hourly Rating for Agent

Agent Hourly Rating based on Runsheets

In Transvirtual it is possible to create RCTI (Agent or reverse) Invoices based on driver Runsheets.
For example, if you pay an agent hourly, this agent may work from Runsheets and thus need to get these 'signed' off every day, so that they can be paid. This process is based on the concept of creating a linked consignment generated from a Runsheet which is essentially a 'summary' consignment of all of the items/freight on a Runsheet. The following instructions will guide you through setting this up and making it work.

How to Setup

1. The first step is to ensure that the Agent/driver you are wanting to set this up for is located in a Headport. To ensure this is setup, head to Transport > Configuration and Setup > Card Files (Customer/ Suppliers/ Staff), click on agent tab and then select Appropriate Agent by double-clicking on it, as shown below. 

 2. If needed, then add the correct Headport to the selected agent as shown above.
The Zone listing used for Headports will be the below:

The Zone Directory Mapping, navigate to Configuration > General > Global Setup and then go to Zone Directory Mapping section.
2. Once the Agent Driver is setup in a Headport, now setup a Rate Card for them. To know more about how to setup a rate card click here.
3. Once rate card has been created, click on the newly created rate card on the left and ensure you assign this rate card the same zone list that is used in the above 'Route/Scan/Agent Zone List'.

4. Now, set up the rate for this rate card by clicking on the effective date as shown above, the rate set-up page will display as shown below.

5.  Select the applicable service level, freight item, routes and rates. To know more about how to setup a rate card clicks here (Refer step 7)
Select Runsheet as a Service Level, Hourly in Freight Item, Canberra as a Zone and Flat Rate or Quantity rate in rate section (Step 04).
The reason to select Canberra as a Zone because in the beginning, we assigned this agent headport as Canberra. 
To know more about how to edit/add Service Level, click here.
To know more about how to edit/add Freight Item, click here.
To know more about how to edit/add zone list, click here.
 7. After completion of above steps, setup the pricing exceptions. This will be done by going to Configuration > General > Global Setup, go to Consignment Related Rules tab and then scroll down to the bottom to see the data filter and with the help of drop-down button select the Pricing Exception as shown below.

This is important as you need to tell the system when not to price consignments. For this particular setup we need to ensure that consignments for this driver do not normally price.
How this process works is that based on the above setup, the system will automatically create a consignment linked to a Runsheet which will automatically add to the Agent Driver's current open Invoice. This linked consignment will be a summary of all the consignments on the Agent Runsheet, and as a result, we ONLY want to price the linked consignment and NOT the original consignments-so as to avoid duplicates etc. 
8. To setup the price exception, add the pricing exceptions data filter above is similar to the below.
9. In this data filter, we need to add some logic that says when the Consignment Number starts with RNXX and the Agent is blank, do not price. This is where the linked consignment does not have an agent assigned to it. We do NOT want this to price. 
10. We also need to say if the Agent is 'x' (the agent you are setting this up for) and the customer of the consignment is not Runsheet, do not price. The reason we don't want to price for this scenario is because we only want to price the consignment linked to the Runsheet:
Ensure you use the drop-down selectors to add the correct logic to your pricing exceptions. Be careful and ensure that the logic is correct. Keep in mind to correct usage of 'and' / 'or' etc. 
8. Once all of the above is setup, the Agent Driver can now be paid based on their runsheets. The Agent Driver scans or is assigned freight as usual. The system then starts the clock from the start of the first Runsheet they do and stops the clock at the end of the last Runsheet they complete, as this user may handle more than one Runsheet per day. As long as all of the above is setup, the system will automatically calculate and apply the correct hourly rate for this Agent Driver. 
The time calculation is from start of first Runsheet (Runsheet creation) to end of last Runsheet (last drop on Runsheet OR when driver clicks Return depot button within delivery page of the app).

Extra Information

Vehicle Type

1. If require, it is possible to charge differently based on the vehicle type. To do this, you would simply need add in different freight items. The format of these freight items would need to be Hours Vehicle Type as shown below.

2. In the above screenshot, the hours rate for Pantech truck is $48.
If required, you could setup other freight items with varying rates. Just ensure that each freight item starts with 'Hours' and is then followed by the vehicle type; 10 Pallet 10 Tonne for example. 
This then works in the same manner as the above setup.

Number of Deliveries/Pickups

Additionally, information regarding the number of deliveries and pickups from the runsheets will be stored as the length and width of the associated consignment.
For Example: If the driver performed 4 deliveries and 4 pickups the length will be 4 and width will be 4.
If you are displaying in cm's this will appear as below as 400 but will be treated as 4 by the rate card which uses metres.


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