Service Levels

Service Levels

Service Levels

Service Levels play a crucial role in TransVirtual as they are used to determine what type of freight a consignment falls under and are therefore very important in pricing a consignment.
1. This article will detail how to create new Service Levels and also how to modify any existing Service Levels you may have in your account.
2. To see the Service Levels page, go to Configuration > Lists and Zones > Service Levels.
Service Levels can also be setup via the Finance menu, if you have the Finance module enabled. To do, go to Finance > Configuration and Setup > Transport Service Levels.


To Add/Create a New Service Level

1. If you want, you can add a new service. To do so, on service level page, and click on New Serice level button as shown below.                     

2. After step 1, create new consignment service level popup will display as shown below.


3. Manually enter the Service Name and then click on Create button as shown above, the service name will display on service list as shown below.


4. Now, click on the newly added service, the detail of selected service will display on the right side of the screen as shown below.

5. Now, update the required detail and then click on update button as shown above to save the change.
6. Similar way you can update any existing service detail by clicking on it and follow the instructions as describe in Service Details Definition.

Service Details Definition

i. Service Name: This is simply the name of the Service Level. You can change this if needed but the name should be reflective of the classification of the freight, i.e., is it an express consignment that needs to get there fast or a general consignment that will follow standard delivery ETAs?
ii. Service Short Name: A short name you can give to the Service Level if needed.
iii. Service Name (AKA): Other names this Service Level is known as in other 3rd party systems. 
iv. Max Consignment Quantity: This setting only applies to manually created consignments (those created via the web portal) and will determine the maximum quantity that a consignment can have when listed as this type of service level, i.e. Air Freight may be limited to the amount of items you can have on a consignment-this field would be a good way to limit the number of items on a manually created consignment with this service level. 
v. Max Consignment per Item Weight: This setting only applies to manually created consignments (those created via the web portal) and will determine the maximum weight an item on a consignment with this Service Level is allowed to be, i.e., some services may have a weight limit-this is a good way to ensure manually created connotes fall within the allowable range.
vi. Dangerous Goods Excluded: This toggle allows you to specify whether this Service Level is allowed to include Dangerous Goods, i.e. some Service Levels such as Air Freight don't allow Dangerous Goods because the Air Pressure that planes operate at is too great for Dangerous Goods to be transported safely. 
vii. Only Price if Exact Match: If enabled, consignments will only price if step 1 of the rate card is marked default or has no Service Levels assigned or there is an exact match between consignment Service Level and Service Levels assigned to step 1 of the rate card. 
viii. Hide from Customer: Turn on if you wish to hide this Service Level from the customer from within the consignment creation page.
ix. Default Service Level: If enabled, this setting will default any empty Service Levels during consignment creation to be this Service Level. Useful for if a customer forgets to select a Service Level.
x. Mobile Colour in Preload Page: Based on the Service Level of a consignment, set the colour within the Load page of the mobile application. If you change the colour to be Red for this field, then any consignments on the mobile app Load Page, with this Service Level, will be coloured Red. Handy for making consignments that fall under a particular Service Level stand out.
xi. Mobile Colour in Delivery Page: Based on the Service Level of a consignment, set the colour within the Delivery page of the mobile application. If you change the colour to be Red for this field, then any consignments on the mobile app Delivery Page, with this Service Level, will be coloured Red. Handy for making consignments that fall under a particular Service Level stand out.
xii. Parent Service Level: The field allows you to specify a parent Service Level that this Service Level can be linked to as a sub–Service Level. 
xiii. Colour Display in Portal: Choose a colour and the respective field in the consignment search screen will display with this colour; allowing for easier searching of consignments. 
xiv. Additional Price Display info: Additional Service Level description displayed to users when price checking on consignment creation and through website widget.
xv. Display Text After Con Creation: This field allows you to enter text that will display af the top of the page after a consignment has been created with this Service Level.
xvi. Memo: Internal Notes relevant to this Service Level. A text field that is used to store notes on this Service Level essentially.
xvii. Transit Master Zone Override: This field gives you the ability to set a zone list against this Service Level that is specifically for Transit Times; a way to override the default Transit times zone list that would normally apply. 

Note: When changing any settings ensure that testing is done (where possible). Testing is recommended so that you can identify any issues with setup and can rectify if need be. 

To Delete any Service Level

1. If you want to delete the rule, simply click on the delete icon, a confirm dialog will pop-up, click on Yes button, the Service Level will be deleted from database as shown below.


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