Zone Directory

Zone Directory

Zone Directory

Zone directory, provide you a way to define areas, regions or locations used by features throughout in the Transvirtual.

By default, you will have two zones setup on your account initially as describe below.
  1. Headports.
  2. Auto-Assignments.
1. To see the Zone Directory page, go to Setup > Consignments > Zone Directory, the zone directory list page will come as shown below.

To Create a Zone Listing

1. To create a zone listing, on zone directory list page, first click on the New Zone Listing button, the Create new Zone Listing popup will display as shown below.

 2. Manually enter the Zone Listing Name and then click on Create as shown above, a new zone will be added in the Zone List Directory as shown below.

3. Double click on the newly added zone list, the detail of selected zone list will be display on the right side of the screen as shown above.

To Create a Zone(s)

1. To create a Zone(s), on Zone Listing page, click on Edit Zones/Suburbs and you will be redirected to Zones page as shown below.

2. To add a new Zone, click on New Zone, a pop-up to Create/edit a zone will appear as shown below.
3. Now, manually enter the details, i.e., Zone Name, Other Names (AKA) and Zone Short Name in the respective field as shown above, and then click on SAVE button to save the changes, the zone will be visible on Zone Names list a shown below.
Zone Name is the mandatory field when adding a Zone.

To Import Zone List

1. If required, it is possible to create a zone list by importing a csv file into Transvirtual.
2. To do this, you will need to first create a csv file with your zone list data.
A CSV file is a plain text file. It stands for comma separated values file and to create one you would open up excel and use the save as function to select .csv as the file type.
For Example: Refer below csv file to understand could look like:
You can see in the above that there are four columns: one each for Zone Name, Suburb, State and Postcode. These four columns will define what suburbs, states and postcodes belong to what zone, in this zone list.
It is recommended that all import files contain Zone Name, Suburb, State and Postcode as this provides the best possible data.
Make sure that the data is entered correctly and that you have saved your document as a csv.
3. On create/edit zone popup, click on the Import Zones as shown below.

4. A pop-up to Import Zones and Suburb/Postcodes Lists will display as shown below:
If your csv files have headings, toggle Ignore First Row to Yes.
5. Now, map the file using the Column Mapping and click in the field and select the appropriate field names as per what is in your file, from left-to-right.
6. Once completed, your mapping could look like as shown below:

7. After mapping, upload the relevant csv file, then click on the Import as shown above, refresh the page then you will see the result of your import file as below.

The file may take a few minutes to import if it contains a large volume of data!
6. As you can see in the above, the import was successfully, and three zones have been created i.e., Newcastle, Perth and Test.
7. These three zones have suburbs in them as per the example file above.
You can use only those suburb, state and postcode which are present in database (As describe in Edit/Add and Delete suburb paragraph), otherwise you cannot import the file.

To Edit/Modify a Zone 

Standard Zone Lists

  1. Click on the  button beside the zone you need to modify
  2. Here you can enter or change any of the values available.
    1. Zone Name: Full Name of Zone.
    2. Other Names (AKA): Alternate Names for the Zone.
    3. Zone Short Name: Shortened Versions of the Zone Name e.g., "SYD" as opposed to "Sydney".
  3. Once complete, click on the Save button.

Advanced Zone Lists

  1. Click on the Edit icon beside the zone you need to modify, a pop up to create/edit a zone will display as shown above.
  2. Here you can enter or change any of the values available.
    1. Zone Name: Full Name of Zone.
    2. Other Names (AKA): Alternate Names for the Zone.
    3. Zone Short Name: Shortened Versions of the Zone Name e.g., "SYD" as opposed to "Sydney".
    4. Location Name: Address/Location Name.
    5. Address 1 & Address 2: Address lines relevant to this location.
    6. Suburb: Suburb detail of the location.
    7. Location Phone: Contact Number for the location.
    8. Location Email: Contact Email for the location.
    9. Time Zone: Time Zone for this location/zone.
    10. Silent Zone: If zone is to be hidden from Mobile Device Selection.
  3. Once complete, click on the Save button.
If you are not able to see this Advanced Zone List, then go to Global setup and check the Headport Zone List as shown below.
To see Headport Zone List, go to Configuration > General > Global Setup and then go to Zone Directory Mapping section. 

Delete/Disable a Zone

  1. Click on the  button beside the zone you need to delete.

  1. Click on the Yes button to confirm.

When Zones are deleted, they are actually disabled. If you re-create a Zone with the same name, it will re-enable the deleted one. If you wish to delete a zone to start over, rename the zone to something different before deleting.

To Add/Remove Suburbs (Zone)

If needed then you can Add, Remove and change the Suburb(s) assigned to a zone.
Any changes will take approx. 10 mins to become active in system and note any existing consignments with headports or route zones will not update.
1. To add/edit or change the suburb(s) then on go to Zone List Directory and select the applicable zone list and then click on the Edit Zones/Suburbs, the selected zone details will display as shown below.

If you have more Zone(s) then select the applicable zone. In the above screenshot only one zone is there.
2. Now, click on the Suburb tab present in the right side of the screen as shown above, the suburb list will display as shown below.

If needed then you can filter the suburb list, to do so manually enter the detail in filter column and then press the Enter button to filter the list as shown below.

3. On Suburb list, to add/change or remove the suburb, first select the applicable suburb and then do the right click on the selected suburb you are wanting to change, and you will receive 2 options as shown below.

4. If you want to add this suburb in the zone then click on Add suburb to zone or if you want to remove click on the Remove suburb from zone, as shown above.
If attempting to remove a suburb from a zone be aware if this has been assigned via a map or postcode rule this won't change.

To Add/Delete/Edit Postcode Rule (Zone)

1. If required then you can also set a rule for the Postcode. The Postcode rule is used to give a range for the Postcode for the particular zone.
2. To add/edit/delete the postcode rule, on Edit Zone/suburb page, first select the zone (If you have more zone in the list) and then click on the Rules by Postcode tab as shown below.
 3. Now, on Postcode screen, you can edit/delete and create a new rule.
4. To add a New Rule, click on New Rule button, a popup for Create/Edit a postcode rule will display as shown below.
5. Now, manually set the postcode limit in numeric form and then click on Create button to add the rule for the selected zone.
For Example: If you want to set the postcode limit for this zone is between 1000 to 2000 then manually enter the value 1000 - 2000 as shown below.
6. Similarly, if you want to edit any postcode rule then click on the edit icon button, a popup for create/edit a post code will display, here update the value and then click on create button the value will be updated in the database.
7. If you want to delete any Postcode rule, then click on delete icon a confirm dialog will display, here click on Yes button to delete the postcode from the database. 

No Service and Limited Service

In Transvirtual there is the ability to create a zone list that outlines the areas that you do not service and the areas that you offer limited service to.
1. To set this up, you first need to define what suburbs, states and postcodes belong to each of these two zones. If you wish to create this zone list via an import, your import file should look similar as shown below.
2. As you can see, each suburb is listed against either a No Service or Limited-Service zone, depending on what category it falls into.
3. Once your file has been created, simply save as .csv and import as per the above instructions - see Import Zone List in this article.
4. You can also create this zone list manually, to do so you have to follow the similar steps as describe in the above paragraph i.e., first create the Zone List, then go to New Zone List Edit Zones /Suburbs and here create/add a new zone(s).
Once your zone list name has been setup (before you enter the zone list and create the zones), assign it to the below field in the Global Setup page:
This section can be found under Account > General Config > Global Setup, go to Zone Directory Mapping section.

The helper icon also gives you an indication of how it is used.
As you can see, this zone list applies to the web portal (consignment creation page within Transvirtual) and to API connote creation - if someone attempts to create a connote for a No Service area via API they will be returned the No Service message (you will enter - explained below) and the connote creation call with fail.
5. For this particular zone list, we will create two zones, one called 'No Service Area' and one named  as'Limited Service Area' as shown below.
You can if required, only have one of these zones if you only have a No Service area and not a Limited-Service area; but the zones MUST be named as per the above.
6. This zone allows you to add custom pop-up messages for when a customer tries to book/create a job that fits into one of these zones. To customize these messages, click the edit icon, a Create/Edit a zone popup will display as shown below.


7. You can manually enter the message in the No Service Comment field as shown above. Once you done, click on SAVE button to save the changes.
Similarly, you can add a message for Limited Service Area Zone also.
You will notice that when clicking on either edit icon that you have the ability to enter comments for both the No Service and Limited-Service zones.
Please ensure that whatever zone edit button you click, you only modify the comment related to that zone; so, if you click the No Service edit icon you MUST ONLY enter text for the No Service comment, and vice versa. The reason for this is that if you click the Limited Service edit icon and add a No Service comment, the system will treat all suburbs in the Limited-Service zone as if they were part of the No Service zone, and consignments with these receiving suburbs will not be able to be created via the web portal or API.
8. Once you have created the zones and add comment, now you have to create rules for Suburb and Postcode in a similar way describe in the above paragraph of Suburb and Postcode.
Once the zone list has been implemented as per the above, allow 15 minutes for it to take effect.
9. From now, when someone tries to book in a consignment that lies in one of these zones, they will experience similar warning message as shown below.


No Service Areas: Any consignment falls under this category while creation, will be blocked from creation.
Limited-Service Areas: Any consignment falls under this category while creation, a warning message will be displayed but consignment will be created.

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