Outbound Process

Outbound Process

Sales Order

The Outbound Process starts with the initiation of a Sales Order, where there is an outbound movement of stock.
Once a sales order is raised it will be assigned to a picker who will then locate the stock in the correct bin location and mark the sales order as complete.
This will move the sales order items to an outbound bin location where they can be attached to a consignment.

Creating a Sales Order

Firstly, the user will need to go to Warehouse--> Outbound -->Sales Orders.

The user can then click on the "Create New" button in the "Sales Order Filter" Page.

This will then take them to the below Sales Order creation page where the user can enter the required information.

The fields that the user will have access to are:

>Order Number
>Customer (selectable from the drop-down list)
Note: The user can add a new customer to their account via Warehouse-->Configuration and Setup-->Customer
>Location/Shipment: Location of the sales order destination
>Order Information: References and special instructions regarding the shipment can be added here 
>Order Items details: Details of the inbound stock items on order 

The user will then need to click on the "Save" button to create the new Sales Order.

Sales Order Filter

On the sales order filter page (Warehouse > Outbound > Sales Orders) you can set default filters. 
You can do this by selecting the filter button located at the top middle section of the grid.  
When selected you will be presented with the below popup:

To enter a filter, you will need to use the builder at the bottom, you will need to select your value and condition, then select "Add Rule".
To test to make sure the rule works you can select the validate button which will advise whether the rule is valid or not.
Once successful you can select "Show Results" which will not only show the filtered list, it will also save the filter to the drop down box.
You can clear your filter by either refreshing your page or selecting the dropdown and then selecting "--CLEAR--".

Warehouse Allocations

If there is more than one warehouse, once the sales order has been created, the stock can be allocated between these warehouses.
To get to this page the user can go to Warehouse-->Outbound-->Warehouse Allocations.

Assign Warehouse Allocation 

1: Select the "Order" or "Stock" from the left side of the window under the current warehouse displayed.
2: From right side choose a listed warehouse under "Assign to Warehouse" to which the movement needs to be initiated.
3: Click on "Save" to confirm the action.

Note: The stock is being moved from the initial warehouse to the new warehouse assigned by the user 

>User can choose any outbound "Action" from the drop-down list and action upon it 
>By clicking on this " " the user can configure the settings for column selector  

Bin Allocations

After the sales order has been assigned to the correct warehouse, the user has to allocate the stock from specific bin locations.  
Click into your Warehouse Zones and create a zone with a every type. i.e., outbound, inbound and storage. Ensure you have created at least one bin in this zone for stock to be moved to (outbound).
The user can either change warehouse allocations to step 2 bin allocation in the top right hand selection box, however, if the user needs to access the page directly, the can go to: 
Warehouse > Outbound > Bin Allocations.

Once in this page, the sales order in progress should be on the left hand side in the "Bin Assignment List".
The user can select the sales order on the left, which will display the required information in the right table.
After picking the sales from the bin assignment list, the user needs to assign the pick location so the system knows where you are grabbing the stock from.

Send to Back Orders

During Sales order fulfilment, if the items are out of stock, then the order can be set to "Back Order".

Staff Assignment

After bin allocation, this outbound stock movement will be assigned to a staff member.

There are 3 methods to assign a staff member to a pick.

Method 1: Select Staff in "Create Warehouse" page 

During the initial steps of warehouse creation, the user can select a default picker from the list under "Assign All Moves to Staff", all the moves in this warehouse moving forward will be automatically assigned to the selected staff member by default.

Method 2: "Assign Picker" in "Movement Staff Assignments"

The user can manually assign and complete movements within the warehouse.

To get here go to Warehouse-->Movement-->Movement Staff Assignment

By completing the manual movement, you will be sending the stock from the source to the destination, which can be checked in the table on the right.

Method 3: Assign Pick in Sales Order Actions 

Step 1: Go to Warehouse-->Outbound Staff Assignment
Step 2: Check the box next to the sales order number to which the staff has to be assigned
Step 3: Check the box against the movement which needs staff to be assigned
Step 4: From the list of users, choose and click on "+" to add the staff to the order movement 
Step 5: User will get a confirmation as "Stock Pick Assigned"

Awaiting Pick Movement 

Once the outbound order is assigned, the order will sit still, awaiting to be picked by its assigned staff member.
 To access this page go to Warehouse-->Outbound--> Awaiting Pick Movement

Create Pick Movement 

Step 1: User needs to select the order on the left to view the order details on the right.

Step 2: Select the order details and click on ">Pick Completed" to complete the pick action as shown below 

User can view/download and email the picking slip in pdf format 

Consignment Creation

Once the sales order has been completed, the user can choose to create a new outbound consignment or skip the consignment creation.

To create the consignment go to Warehouse-->Outbound-->Consignment Creations

There are 2 ways where the user can create a new consignment 

Method 1: Consignment Creations

Go to Warehouse-->Outbound-->Consignment Creations

Step 1: Under "Carrier Allocation List" choose the Order which needs to be created as a new consignment
Step 2: Click on the check box against the stock items which needs to be picked per order and dispatched
Step 3: Enter all the details of the stock items under "Create Consignment Item Row" 
Step 4: Click on "Create Shipment Item" to Create consignment confirmation page as shown below 

Step 5: Review and confirm the "Freight Items being Dispatched" 
Step 6: Check the consignment date and proceed to click on " Create Consignment" 
A new consignment is then created.

 Method 2: "Create Consignment" from Sales Page

Once the sales order is complete, the user has option to "Create Consignment" on this page too.

Once selected, the same procedure to create consignment needs to be followed as shown below. 

Skip Consignment creation 

User can proceed with movement activity without creating a new consignment by using this option of "Skip Consignment creation"

There are 2 ways of performing this action:

Method 1: Skip Consignment creation from Sales Order page 

User can proceed with Sales order movement, and will be prompted to "Create consignment" if this is selected then "Skip Consignment Creation" is available to skip this process. 

By clicking on "Yes, Skip" user can skip this process and proceed. 

Method 2: Skip Consignment creation from Outbound-Consignment Creations page

User can also find the skip option under the Consignment Creations page as shown below.


Back Orders 

Whenever stock items cannot currently fulfil the demand of a sales order, then these stock items needs to be moved to "Back Orders".
To access this page go to Warehouse-->Outbound-->Back Orders

Send to Back Orders 

Once the Sales order has been created against stock items which are not in stock or is less in quantity, then, on the right-side the user will get an automatic reply that this stock or all the items in the order are out of stock and need to be sent to back orders as shown below.

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