This article will run through a common setup that most Transvirtual users implement, sending Unknown Scans Notification.
Create/Add a New Rule
1. To create a new rule, go to the Export Consignments Status Updates page, where you will see a similar screen as shown below.
2. On the Export Unknown Scans page, click on the "New Rule" button as shown above. A pop up of 'Create a new export rule' will display, as shown below.
3. Manually enter the Rule Name in the rule name field and select the Export Framework with the help of drop-down button, then click on the Create as shown above.
In this example we are going to select the "Unknown Scans Notification to Customer" in Rule name and SMS in Export Framework.
4. Once the rule is created, it will be added to the Export Rules list and highlighted in orange color as shown below.
5. Now, click on the newly added rule, the details of this rule will appear on the right side of the page as shown below.
6. In the rule detail section, you can add/update the detail of the rules as described in the Update/Edit the Rule paragraph.
7. Before updating the rule, first set the data filter as describe below.
Data Filter
The data filter is the driving force behind when the rule will and won't apply to a consignment.
1. To see the data filter tab, navigate to the bottom of the page where you'll find the Data Filter section.
2. On data filter section, select the details for Select Field (Screen 01), Logic (Screen 02) and Select Value (Screen 03) and then click on Add Rule, the rule detail will display on Data Filter screen (Screen 04) as shown below.
In this example, we are going to select Headport Destination in Select Field, Equal in Logic and Brisbane in Select Value field.