Transvirtual Standard Scan Import (XML V1.0)

Transvirtual Standard Scan Import (XML V1.0)

Scan Import

Supplying your Scan's in this format provides easy and detail format for integration. This can be accepted in FTP or Email. Advise your integration contact of your preferred method.

<ScanDateTime>02/06/2020 06:34</ScanDateTime>
<ScanType>Depot In</ScanType>
<ExportDate>02/06/2020 06:34</ExportDate>
<ScanUserComment> 1 Carton</ScanUserComment>
<AgentName>Freds Deliveries</AgentName>


XML Element
Manatory (Y/N)
Defines the start of the Manifest of Scan's
Defines the start of the Scan event
Defines the Consignment Number the Scan information is for
Defines the UniqueID the Scan information is for
The date and time of the delivery. Format should be UTC Time** dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm, if not please advise the integration specialist of your format. 
This is the value that was scanned off the Item.
One of the scan types below;
At Location - An item scan at the location of the receiving party
Damaged - An item scan that shows the item is damaged
Depot In - An item scan showing that the item has arrived at a depot
Floor - An item scan that shows what was left in the depot after of delivery vehicles have left
Held Over - Freight that did not travel on Linehaul to its next destination (ie Vehicle Full)
Linehaul Out - Movement of freight between depot's
Misdirected - An item scan that shows freight has arrived a the wrong depot
On Delivery - An item scan that shows the item is on board for delivery
Picked Up - An item scan of the freight at the sender location
Short - An item scan to show what has arrived knowing some items are missing

The location of the scan
The short name of the location of the scan
The name of the user scanning the items
The date and time of the export. Format should be UTC Time** dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm, if not please advise the integration specialist of your format. 
The destination of a linehaul scan
The short name of the destination of a linehaul scan
The name of the vehicle a linehaul/on delivery scan as been performed against
The rego of the vehicle a linehaul/on delivery scan as been performed against
The other name of the vehicle a linehaul/on delivery scan as been performed against
A tag selected against a scan (ie Floor scan with a scan tag of "Card Left"). In TransVirtual its a way to provide a predetermined value that is reportable. 
A comment typed by an operator while scanning, against the item
The matching agent name
The matching agent code
When performing a CWC against an item, the length value in Meters
When performing a CWC against an item, the width value in Meters
When performing a CWC against an item, the height value in Meters
When performing a CWC against an item, the weight value in Kilos
* There can be either the Consignment Number of the UniqueID for the Scan to be allocated. Generally this is ConsignmentNumber
** Providing the date and time in UTC allows us to seemlessly work across timezones.
Minimum requires is a Scan Type, Scans Date and Time and the Scan Value.

Further samples below

<ScanDateTime>02/06/2020 06:34</ScanDateTime>
<ScanType>Depot In</ScanType>
<ExportDate>02/06/2020 06:34</ExportDate>
<ScanUserComment> 1 Carton</ScanUserComment>
<AgentName>Freds Deliveries</AgentName>
<ScanDateTime>02/06/2020 08:34</ScanDateTime>
<ExportDate>02/06/2020 08:34</ExportDate>
<ScanUserComment>Awaiting 1 Carton</ScanUserComment>
<AgentName>Freds Deliveries</AgentName>
<ScanDateTime>02/06/2020 10:34</ScanDateTime>
<ScanType>Linehaul Out</ScanType>
<ExportDate>02/06/2020 10:34</ExportDate>

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