Transvirtual Standard POD Import (XML V1.0)

Transvirtual Standard POD Import (XML V1.0)

POD Import

Supplying your POD's in this format provides easy and detail format for integration. This can be accepted in FTP or Email. Advise your integration contact of your preferred method.

<PODReceivedTime>29/05/2020 12:02</PODReceivedTime>
<PODDriverNotes>Missed Booking time, but receiver was happy to receive item</PODDriverNotes>
<PODGeoReadTime>29/05/2020 12:02</PODGeoReadTime>
<ArrivalTime>29/05/2020 11:52</ArrivalTime>


XML Element
Manatory (Y/N)
Defines the start of the Manifest of POD's
Defines the start of the POD event
Defines the Consignment Number the POD information is for
Defines the UniqueID the POD information is for
The date and time of the delivery. Format should be UTC Time** dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm, if not please advise the integration specialist of your format. 
Name of the driver delivering the items
Name of the receiver signing for the goods
Any notes on a failed delivery
Any driver notes about the delviery
One of the delivery types below;
Complete - Full SOG Delivery
Left as Instructed - LAI/ATL Delivery
Short - Short Delivery
Signed on Paper - Receiver required SOP delivery
Card Left - Receiver Unavaliable, card left
Rejected - Delivery Rejected
Out of Time - Driver ran out of time to delivery freight
Location Drop - Items delivery to drop location
Declined Reattempt - Receiver declined a reattempted delivery
Booking Required - Arrived on site and location requires a Booking
Check Address - Address provided appears to be wrong.
No Parking - No parking avaliable to perform the delivery
Unsafe to Leave - Unsafe to leave freight in ATL/LAI situation
Closed - Receiver closed
Y ***
Base64 value of the Signature collected
Y ***
Base64 value of the POD collected
GPS Latitude value
GPS Longitude value
GPS Readtime of the above co-ordinates.Format should be UTC Time** dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm, if not please advise the integration specialist of your format. If this is more than 30mins befor the delivery, it is not displayed in TransVirtual.
Number of items signed for as part of the delviery
The arrival time onsite for the delivery
* There must be either the Consignment Number of the UniqueID for the POD to be allocated. Generally this is ConsignmentNumber
** Providing the date and time in UTC allows us to seemlessly work across timezones.
*** There must be a PODImage or a Signature attached to the POD template

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