TransVirtual Detailed CSV Import V1.0

TransVirtual Detailed CSV Import V1.0

This Detailed CSV import is designed for customers sending detailed consignment data, Sender, Receiver and Item information where additional information may be required.

There are 2 files attached to this article, they are as follows;

  1. CSV Import-Detailed_Explained-v1.0.xlsx - This contains some sample data and a description of how to layout consignments with multiple item rows.
  2. CSV Import-Detailed_Template-V1.0.csv - This is a template CSV file to use as a template for manual creation

Key points to consider;
  1. By default Weight is in KG's. Notify if the dimensions are in a different unit of measure
  2. By default Dimensions are in Meters. Notify if the dimensions are in a different unit of measure
  3. The address suburb state and postcode MUST be to Australia Post standards.
  4. If there are multiple Item Rows, the consignment information MUST be repeated, if its not the same it will create a seperate consignment for each row. 

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