Transport Price Reviews

Transport Price Reviews

Transport Price Reviews

In TransVirtual there are a series of pages that help you monitor your Finances. These pages allow you to monitor consignments that have not been invoiced, approve or reject the additional services and test out new customer/agent rate card setups using a price calculator tool. 
To see these pages go to Finance > Administration menu at the top of the page as shown below.


To access these pages, you will need to have the Finance module enabled.

Consignment Price Reviews

This page will display any consignments that have an incomplete price/pricing issue, to see consignment price reviews page go to Finance > Administration > Transport Price Review, the Price Review page will display as shown below.

1. This page works much the same as the consignment search page in that you can add in or remove columns using the column selector located top-left.
2. You can filter/refine the results by entering text into the blank fields in each column. 
3. The blue ReCheck Prices button allows you perform a price check on the results and any consignments that no longer have pricing issues will be removed from this page.
4. If needed, you can export the results in the grid to an excel/csv file using the Export button located at bottom left.

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