Transport Price Check Tool (Customer/Agent)
The price calculators, mimic the connote creation page and allows you to enter details and return prices based on your rate cards. Both the Customer and Agent Price Calculator pages work the same way. These calculators provide you with a tool to test rate cards without having to create a connote.
1. To navigate the transport price check tool, go to Finance > Administration > Transport Price Check Tool.
2. To check the price, follow the steps describe below.
a. First select the relevant Customer or Agent/Supplier with the help of drop-down button.
b. Specify a Service Level with the help of drop-down button, manually fill the Sending and Receiving Location in the related columns as shown above.
c. Manually enter the Consignment Items details, i.e., Quantity, Description, Weights and Dimensions.
Agent/Supplier and Service Level are the optional field while checking the prices.
You can add any Additional Services by clicking on the related checkbox. d. Once all details have been entered, click on the Get Price button, full rating notes are displayed below of the page, you may need to scroll to see available rates.
e. If required, you can change any single variable, then click the get price button to update.
f. If you identify any issues, you will need to modify the relevant rate card and retest.
The price calculators are not intended for use with Distance (km) or Time rates. These will need to be tested with the connote creation page.
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