

This section helps you to review how you can manually create an agent, Import Agents, or Export Agents. Within every card file, the user can create logins, edit contact details and setup agent specific settings.

NotesFor every inbound movement or Purchase order (PO) created, user needs to assign a pre-existing Supplier/Agent or create/add a new Supplier/ Agent.
 1.  The see the suppliers page, go to Warehouse > Inbound > Suppliers, the supplier page will come on screen as shown below.
 2. On Suppliers (Agents) page, you can see the following details:
      a. Agent name
      b. AKA
      c. Agent Code
      d. TransVirtual Number
      e. Data Filter Tag
      f. Account Package
      g. Tax Number.
 3. In Supplier (Agent) page, you can Add an individual agent, Add Multiple Agents, Import and Export the agent list, can see all the agent list and can see the deleted supplier list name.

 4. There are two ways to add the Agent in WMS i.e., either Add an Individual Agent or you can Add Multiple Agents.

To Add an Individual Agents

1. To add an individual agent, the on-Supplier page, click on the Add Agent button, Create or link to a new agent pop-up will display as shown below.

2. On Create or Link to a New Agent screen, manually enter the Agent Name and Agent TransVirtual Number and then click on Add, to add an agent.

AlertCurrently the TransVirtual number is not available for use in the WMS.

3.  Once the New Agent is added, by default, the Agent View/Edit Card File page will open as shown below.

4.   On the agent view/edit card page you can see the Agent details, Contact Details, Logo, Logins, Consignment Related Roles, Finance, Files/ Images and Notes.

5.  By default, on the details tab the general information will be displayed as below:
           a. Name: Agent Name
            b. AKA: Alternate name for the agent.
            c. Agent Code: Short name to help when importing data
            d. Tax Number: Country Tax identifier for this card file
            e. Head port Assigned: Defined the head port where the agent is assigned to/operates out of.
            f. Data Filter Tag: A unique tag assigned to the agent and helpful to filter bulk data entries for EDI's etc. 
            g. Memo: Manually add any additional Information (If needed).



Contact Details:

1. On Contact Details tab, you can see the General, Accounts Receivable, Account Payable and other tabs as shown below.

 2. On all the four tabs you can either Double Click on the entry field or click on the Edit Button to enter the details.


The user can upload "Consignment Report Logo" by dropping their image logo or uploading the image logo by double clicking within the upload box as shown below.


1. To see the user list, click on the Logins, you will be redirect to the Login screen.         

2. On Logins screen, you can see the list of user(s) and can add a new user.

      3. To add a new user, on Logins page click on the New User, Create a new user pop-up will display as shown below.


NotesSuperadmin(s) is (are) authorized to add new user.                                                                  
4. On Create user page fill the details as follows.

· Username: A complete username in format is mandatory,

NotesUsername field is not an email address required field.

· Password: Manually enter the password.

Minimum 6 characters required in this field.

· First name: In this field, manually enter the first name of the user.

· Last name: In this field, manually enter the first name of the user.

· Enable Mobile Device Access (Yes /No): Use the toggle button to provide mobile device access.

AlertUsername and Password are the mandatory field while adding a new user in the list.

     5.       After step (4), click on the Add, to save the changes.

This section is relative to the Transport Management System, this will be helps you to adjust any settings in relation to consignments actions and manifests.


Manually fill the details of below points.

· Consignment Prefix: Add alpha/numeric prefix to the beginning of consignment numbers. This is also useful for creating rules to manage data.

· Min Consignment # Length: The shortest number of characters a consignment number can contain.

· Next Consignment #: The next consignment number that will be generated.

· Barcode Format: Allows you to define the barcode format.

· Label Route Printout Zone List:

· Bulk Action, Limit Scan Zones: This field is used to restrict the 

With help of toggle button select the below options.

·         Postfix with Original Consignment Number

·         Consignment add GS1 checkdigit

·         SSCC Barcode

·         Change Consignment # if assigned: Needs use case to define.

·         Force Consignment Print on Creation

·         Force Label Print on Creation


·         Manifest Prefix: Add alpha/numeric prefix to the beginning of manifest numbers.

·         Min Manifest # Length:  The shortest number of characters a manifest number can contain.

·         Group Manifests by Customer: Before consignment added to agent manifest, it will ensure manifests are grouped by customer. This helps if your customers need to see agents manifests.

·         Group Manifests by LabelRouteZone

·         Daily Manifests: A new manifest is created for each day. Consignments created with a date in the future will be added to that day’s manifest.

·         Auto Close Manifests: Auto close manifest at set time. Good for locations which have a regular pickup at the same time each day.

·         Manifest Auto Close Time: Set time for manifest to auto close.

·         Single Day Manifest

·         Skip Manifest for PreDated Consignments



Theses sections allow you to override global financial settings and make specific customisations for the customer when update/check any consignment.


Finance Settings

These settings are inherited from Settings > Global settings > Finance.

·         When to invoice: Set a specific invoice date/period for a customer.

·         Set invoice date to: Allows you to define the invoice date generation.

·         Auto Close Invoice: Set the rule to define when an invoice should be closed.

·         Invoice Due Date: Allows you to set a due date for the invoice.

·         Tax Number: Allows you to store a tax file number for this customer.


Account System Links

These settings override settings within Finance > Other Setup > Accounting Packages.

·         Account Package Settings: Selects the accounting package link for this customer.

·         Linked To: Select the customer within the accounting package that is selected above.




      1.       To upload any files and images click on the Files/Images tab and upload the image/file in the related tab as shown below.



      2.       On Files/Images page you can see the uploaded file history in the View File History tab as shown above.



      1.  This tab use to add any note or comment. To add any comment/note click on the Notes tab, the user comment page will open as shown below.

 2.       On the User Comment tabclick on the Add button, Add a new vehicle comment/note pop up will come as shown below.


3.  Now add a comment in the Comment section and then click on the Add to save the changes.

To add Multiple Agents 

  1. You can add multiple agents via a CSV spreadsheet.
  2. To add Multiple agents, on Supplier agents page, click on import agents rather than selecting the create agent button, you will be redirected to below page.


1. Make sure that File format which you upload must be in .csv, .xlxs , .xls  or .txt (using tab delimiter) format.
2. Every row in the file must include Name as a mandatory field.

  3.Once you upload the file you will be represented with a list of columns which can be aligned to your file, if your file does not have a column to match, simply leave the box on the right as "Empty

" as shown below.


 Export Agents

To see the list of agents, on the Agent List page, click on the Export Agent, the list of the agent will be downloaded in .xlsx format.

 Edit the Agent Detail

To edit the any agent detail, double click on the Agent name, the agent view/edit card detail tab will open, here follow the steps mentioned in the How to add an Agent topic.

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