Supplier Invoices

Supplier Invoices

Supplier Invoices

Invoice Reconciliation

A few things to note before starting is the Excel file of your invoice will need have the columns Consignment number and either Base Total or Grand total at a minimum.
You can also add other fields like levies, taxes or Additional services if needed.

1. To see the supplier invoices page, go to Finance > Operational Tasks > Supplier Invoices, the Agent (RCTI) Invoice Filter or Customer (RTCI) Invoice Filter page will display as shown below.
2. If you are trying to compare your prices with the prices your customer has sent you, you will need to create a customer invoice.
If you are the customer and want to compare your prices with the prices your agent has sent you, you will need to create an agent invoice. 
3. To create an invoice, on the Agent (RTCI) invoice filter page, click on the Fresh Invoice button as shown below.

4. A popup for Create new invoice will display as shown below.


5. Select the Agent/Supplier with the help of drop-down button and select the date for your invoice comparison, usually the date of the invoice is your importing and then click on the Create button as shown above.
6. After step 5, you will be automatically redirected to the invoice detail page as shown below.

7. Now, click on the “Manual Add/Import” button to add a consignment(s) as shown above, A popup for manually/upload a file of consignment will display as shown below.


8. Now, manually enter the consignment number or can Drag your file into the Drop box or click and select the file from your computer as shown above.
Note: You do not need headers in the invoice file, the header row will display as an error if left in.
9. Once the file is uploaded/consignment number added manually then click on the Next button.
10. Once the upload is complete you will be given a summary of the discrepancies as shown below.

11. Now, click on OK button to add the invoice in the database.
If you uploaded the file then you will be brought to a mapping screen, where you can select the fields required, only Consignment Number and Base or Grand total are required, however you can add others that are available as shown below.


Note: Any consignments not found/that don't exist in the system and have not imported-these will display under the System Events of the Additional tab from within the invoice itself. 
12. After step 11, the invoices highlighted in Red, alerts to difference in price imported compared to what was priced and those highlighted in Orange shows, the connote was pulled from the original invoice to this new one.
13. By clicking on a consignment that has a difference, on the right of the screen it will show you a summary as shown below.


14. Here, you can either Accept the Imported Price or Ignore the imported price or acknowledge non-price import issues by clicking on the respective button.
If the price is Ignored, the system will not update and keep the existing system price.
15. At the top of the screen you can see the Imported Price vs the Calculated price for the whole invoice, the calculated price will take into account any prices that are accepted from the invoice import.

16. On the invoice listing page there is an Additional tab. If you click on that it will also display summary of any issues while import the consignment(s) as shown below.

17. Once you Approved or Ignored any differences in the Invoice, all costs are updated, and the invoice can now be approved as required.

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