Loading Consignments

Loading Consignments

The load page is used to scan items, consignments or manifests that are being loaded for delivery.
  1. On the Main Page tap on the Load button
  2. Use one of the following methods to enter Consignment, Item or Manifest number to allocate to this device for delivery.
    1. With Scan Devices, Press the scan button on the device
    2. With Phones - Press a volume button to take activate the camera
    3. Perform a manual entry of a consignment
  3. Once an item, consignment or manifest is scanned, it will retrieve the Consignment Details and allocate it to the current user for delivery..
  4. Once all items have been scanned you can tap "Leave Depot" to take you to the Delivery screen.

Manual Entry of Consignments on the Load Page

  1. On the Main Page tap on the Load button
  2. Tap the  button to manually enter consignment numbers, item barcodes or manifest numbers.

Reverse the Consignment Order

  1. On the Main Page tap on the Load button
  2. Tap the   button at the top of the screen to reverse the order of the consignments.

Manually Sorting the Consignment Order

  1. On the Main Page tap on the Load button
  2. Tap the  button at the top of the screen to show the manual sorting screen.
  3. Place your finger on the right hand side of the consignment row as below, and drag the rows into the order preferred

Filtering on the Load Screen

You can filter the items on the Load Screen to show Items Scanned or Missing Scans.

  1. On the Main Page tap on the Load button
  2. Scan or Manually enter the Consignments, Items or Manifests that are required
  3. Once all items have been scanned you can tap  in the top right hand corner of the screen and tap on "Filter"
  4. This will enable you to tick the boxes next to "Items Scanned" & "Missing Scans" to filter the list as below

Creating a General Manifest

To create a General manifest you go to the load page scan all your items and generate a manifest. This may also be referred to as a pre-load or consolidation manifest.
  1. On the Main Page tap on the Load button
  2. Scan or Manually enter the Consignments, Items or Manifests that are required
  3. Once all items have been scanned you can tap  in the top right hand corner of the screen and tap on "Create Manifest". It will ask you to confirm the creation of a general manifest, tap Yes and it will be created.
The manifest will be viewable in the Web Portal (Home>Manifests>General Manifest)

Clear Load Screen

This article will describe how to clear the load screen of any unscanned/selected consignments .
  1. On the Main Page tap on the Load button
  2. Ensure the items you want to clear do not have a Tick against them.
  3. Tap  in the top right hand corner of the screen and tap on "Clear".
This will ask you to confirm the clearing of unselected consignments from the device. Tap "Yes" to continue.

Setting Required - This functionality can be enabled/disabled via Settings>General>Global Setup and toggling the setting below

Futile Scans

Futile Scans are any scan that did not have a match to any consignment or manifest.
  1. On the Main Page tap on the Load button
  2. Tap  in the top right hand corner of the screen and tap on "Futile Scans".
  3. This will display a list of scans that have not been matched in the Web Portal
Setting Required - Enable the 'Capture failed on delivery scans' in the global settings.

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