Staff Assignments

Staff Assignments

After bin allocation, this outbound stock movement will be assigned to a staff member. There are 3 methods to assign a staff member to a pick as below.

Method 1: Select Staff in "Create Warehouse" page 

During the initial steps of warehouse creation, the user can select a default picker from the list under "Assign All Moves to Staff", all the moves in this warehouse moving forward will be automatically assigned to the selected staff member by default.

Method 2: "Assign Picker" in "Movement Staff Assignments"

The user can manually assign and complete movements within the warehouse. To do it, go to Warehouse > Movement > Movement Staff Assignment

1. By completing the manual movement, you will be sending the stock from the source to the destination, which can be checked in the table on the right.

Method 3: Assign Pick in Sales Order Actions 

1. To assign a staff on via Staff assignment page then, go to Warehouse > Outbound > Staff Assignment, the staff assignment page will display as shown below.

2. Now, click on the check box next to the sales order number to which the staff has to be assigned.
3. On Picker Assignment section, click on the check box next to the movement to select the stock that requires staff assignment, then on Search Users for Pick Allocation section, select a user from the list by clicking on "Plus Icon" to add the staff to the order movement. 
4. User will get a confirmation as "Stock Pick Assigned".
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