Scan EDI Import

Scan EDI Import

In TransVirtual there is the ability to setup Scan EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) Import rules that can import scan data relating to consignments.
These imports can be setup to receive information via FTP, Email, etc. 
This article will run through an example setup that could be used to receive scan information from a cubic scanning machine (a machine that measures/weighs your freight as it arrives in your depot).

There are likely many different types of cubic scanning machines available for purchase. This article only runs through the setup on the TransVirtual end - it is up to you and your team to configure the cubic scanner machine and enable it to send the data across to TransVirtual in the required format.

How to

Start by navigating to Import/Export > Data Import > Scan Events. Here you will see a page that looks like the below:

Begin by clicking Add Import Rule where you will then see the below popup appear:

Give the new import rule a Rule Name. The Rule Name can be anything you like but should be reflective of what the rule will be used for/do.
For this example, set Import Framework to be TransVirtual Hosted FTP.
Click Create:

Once created, the rule will appear in the list and will be coloured orange indicating it is not yet active/enabled:

Click on the rule and the settings for it will appear on the right-hand side of the page: 

The settings now need to be configured.

Starting from the top:

Rule Name = Name given to rule. Can be changed at any point but should be reflective of what the rule will be used for/does. This example will leave rule name as was set on initial creation.

Trigger Period = How often the import will look to import new files. This example will be set to the default Every 2 mins value. 

Import Framework = Used to determine how TransVirtual will receive the data from the cubic scanning machine. For this example, leave set as TransVirtual Hosted FTP then click Settings to the right of this field:

As per above, when you click Settings you will see a popup window appear. 
Generate FTP Server where you will then see details populate. These details are the FTP location that you need to configure your cubic scanner to send files to where TransVirtual will import into your account from there.
After generating FTP Server details, click Update to save.
You can view the FTP details again by clicking the Settings button at any time.

Import file Type = The file type that will be sent containing this scan data.
This example will use CSV:

Set import type to CSV and then click Settings to the right:

As per the above, adjust the column mapping to include the data you will receive from your scanner machine.
You are able to use any of the available fields but should ensure to include Scan Barcode (as this is how TransVirtual knows which connote to attach the scans to), dimensions, scan type (machine likely would send depot type scans as likely these scans would be done on freight arriving into depot), scan time and Location Scan Base (refers to location scan was performed/headport location etc.).
Ensure to click Update after modifying the mapping.

Customer (Optional) = Allows you to nominate a default customer these scans would apply to but for this example we are leaving blank as scans will be for consignments across all customers.

Agent/Supplier (Optional) = Allows you set a default agent for imported scan values - typically not needed and this example will be left blank.

Date Format String (Optional) = Allows you to determine how TransVirtual will read Dates in the imported CSV files.
An example could be the below:
However, exact configuration will be dependent on what your cubic scanner machine can send (what format it puts the dates in).

DateTime Format String (Optional) = Allows you to determine how TransVirtual will read Date Time fields in the imported CSV files.
An example could be the below:

However, exact configuration will be dependent on what your cubic scanner machine can send (what format it puts the date times in).

This example will utilize these formats:

Time Zone = Time zone the import rule should be set to - if scanner machine is located in Sydney then the Time Zone should be Sydney time etc. 

Enable Import = Allows you to activate the rule when configured.

The remainder of the settings are typically not required and this example will leave them blank.

Once configured, enable the rule to activate it:

The rule will now appear white indicating it is active.

You are now able to send CSV files to the FTP location attached to this import rule and providing all setup is correct, the scan values will import and attach to the intended consignments.

Note: Dimensions imported from these types of import rules will only update the applicable consignments IF they are greater than what is currently listed against the consignment.
For example, if importing dimensions of 1.25m L x 1.25m W x 1.25m H for a pallet on a consignment where the current dimensions are 1.3m L x 1.3m W x 1.3m H, the new imported dimension values would not update the consignment details because the current dimensions are larger than the new values.

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