Recurring consignments can be created and used for daily pickups or deliveries that happen on a repeating basis, this function saves time to create new consignments each time as the system will automatically do this.
1. To begin, create a consignment as you normally would ensuring all details are correct. This will become the template consignment from which other consignments are created.
Ensure now that if this job is to be a pickup that the pickup required toggle is set to YES.
2. Once the consignment has been created, change the consignment number to be something you can use to find the connote later or know what it was created.
For e.g.: Name the consignment as Daily Pickup, this helps easily identify template consignments and ensure staff to do not accidentally cancel/delete them as shown below.
3. Once you have changed the number you will then need to go to the Admin tab of the created consignment and change the status to be Fully Complete, and then click on Save button to save the changes.
The reason behind the status change is because this consignment will act as a template from which others are created, which means this will be a consignment that does not actually get actioned.
If creating a recurring pickup type of consignment, you will need to re-enable the pickup flag from the details tab of the consignment. The act of setting the consignment status to Fully Complete will disable the pickup flag (expected behaviour), which means you simply need to re-enable the pickup flag
after setting to
Fully Complete.
Without this step, any consignments created from this template will not create as pickups.
4. To enable the Re-Occur consignment and template, then on the Consignment Detail page, click on Admin tab, now go to Re-occur and Templates section on the right side of the screen and click on the toggle button in Yes position, the Re-occur and Template section will bring up below fields, as shown below.
5. Now, fill the details i.e. Auto Assignment, Next Run Time and Limitations (If Any).
If needed, you can set the subsequent connotes as assigning to an agent or driver using the Auto Assignment section. To do this, first click on the drop-down button on Source and choose either Employee or Agent and then choose the relevant assignee from the options with the help of drop-down button as shown above. 6. Now, you need to configure the Auto Run Time, to do it, on Auto Run Time column click on Setting button, a popup when should we recreate this consignment will come a shown below.
This Auto Run time helps when and at what time this template will replicate and create new consignments for your team to action.
a. The first 4 fields at the top, specify a time for this template to run and create new consignments.
You do not have to use all 4, you can use just the 1 (if required), but you do have the ability to re-create new consignments from this template for up to as many as 4 times on the given days/dates you specify.
First Run-Time is the Mandatory Field.
b. Use the checkboxes in the middle to specify which days of the week this template will create new consignments.
c. The last 2 fields at the bottom refine the run time (if needed).
For example: you can choose to only have this consignment re-create on a certain date of the month (1st every month etc).
d. Now click on Update button to save the changes.
7. If required, you can also place limitations around the creation of the consignment based on the previous day's freight volumes.
8. The Limitations function is designed to stop the re-creation process from occurring based on the specified criteria - leaving blank means the connote will simply re-create at the time and days nominated.