Rate Increases

Rate Increases

Rate Increases

In Transvirtual you have the ability to apply varying increases to your rate cards.

Using this tool, you can apply percentage or dollar value increases to your rates across multiple rate cards using the same zone listing.

Different rates can be applied based on Service Level, Freight Items, Freight Item Title, From Zone, To Zone.

Navigate to Finance > Configuration and Setup > Rate Cards

Within Customer or Supplier rates you have the option to Uprate Rates as highlighted below

You are presented with the below screen, this will display a history of rate uprate schedules which can be active, Publish in Progress, Published or Publish or preview failed.
Additionally, the start date is the intended date your new rates would apply from and the respective Zone Listing for the rate uprate schedule.
  1. Active - A Rate Uprate schedule is currently being populated with logic; this will be saved so you can configure this over a period of time.
  2. Publish Requested - Your rate uprate schedule has been queued for publishing.
  3. Publish in progress - System is currently processing your request.
  4. Published - System has completed processing your rate uprate schedule.
  5. Publish or Preview Failed - System has failed to process your uprate schedule.
To create a rate uprate schedule select the Rate Uprate Schedules as highlighted below.

You are the presented with the below screen which will show the Rate Card names, relevant to start date of the schedule selected and the current end date of the selected schedules.
You can now select which rate schedules your rate is to be applied to. Select Choose Rates as highlighted below.

You will then be presented with the below popup. From here we are going to select the appropriate schedules to apply our increases to.
This tool will only allow for rates across one zone listing to be selected at one time.

First, select the relevant zone listing to which your rate cards are linked.

Secondly, you are presented with all the relevant rate schedules (that use your selected zone list) which you can select by single click on the '+' symbol which will turn this row green and add to the list of schedules to be uprated.
These populate into a list of rate schedules at the bottom of the popup. If you select a rate schedule in error, you can click the red 'X' to remove the schedule from this list.

Once all rate schedules have been selected you can press save. Further rate schedules can still be added by repeating this process.
We can now select an Effective From date from the date selector by clicking in the box highlighted below

Now, navigate to the Apply Rate Revisions tab highlighted below, here you will see a list of all the relevant revision/uprates you are wanting to apply to the selected schedules.

Select Add Rate Revision to create your First set of uprate rules.

Select the applicable criteria as below.
The appropriate selections will result in uprate only applied to your selection. Remaining parameters not selected, and their applicable rates will just stay at present rates.
If a parameter is left blank the relevant uprate will be applied to all. In this example as no service level has been selected the uprate will apply to all Carton Freight Items from Sydney to Melbourne for all Service Levels.
Select Save. Multiple Revisions can be applied. 

As below with multiple revisions, you can apply different uprates to certain Service Levels, Freight items, From Routes To Routes and apply either percentage or flat amount increase.

Once you have configured the uprates go to the Review Rates tab, here you can enter an email address and have the relevant increases emailed to you in a file for review. This is not required to complete.

Once you have configured your uprates and reviewed you can now select Publish from the Publish Rates tab. The status will change to Publish Requested, this will be queued and processed. During Processing the Status will be Publish in Progress and then revert to publish once Completed.

The uprate will not occur straight-away. It will add to a queue and be processed in turn. 

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