If you need to create a quote for a new consignment that may go ahead in future and record for your reference, you can create quotes.
To Create a Quote
1. To create/add a quote, go to either go to Finance > Operational Tasks > Transport Quotes > Create New, or can go to Transport > Administration > Transport Quote, click on create new the Create new screen will appear as shown below.
2. Now enter the freight details as below:
a. Sender Information
b. Receiver Information
c. Customer Details
d. Other Information
e. Levies
f. Customer Prize
g. Quote Items
3.Once you completed the step 2, click on Save to add the Freight Quote.
Levies are the charges which are created manually and applicable for this Quote only. To add Levies, click on Add Levy Charge and then manually enter the description and Price and then click on Add button, the price will automatically add in the Customer Price tab as shown below.
Searching for a Quote
1. If you want to search any quote which was previously generated, follow the below steps. In the Transvirtual web portal navigate to Quote Filter go to Finance > Operational Tasks > Transport Quotes > Create New or can go to Transport > Administration > Transport Quote, the Quote Filter Screen will come as shown below.
Make sure that the date range selector is set to cover the date of the quote creation.
2. You can use the inline filters to narrow down and add additional columns through the Column Selector.
3. Once you have located the quote you wish to view double click on the line of the relevant quote you are looking for which will open the quote details view.
Convert Quote to a Consignment
1. When a customer has accepted your quote, you can convert this to a consignment. To convert this quote to a consignment, first search for your freight quote and then click on History Tab, the history tab will open.
2. On Consignment section, click on Create Consignment, as shown above, a confirmation Pop up will display, here click on Yes Button as shown below.
3. Once you completed step 2, consignment will be created, and you will be redirect to the consignment detail page where you an update the consignment detail accordingly as shown below.