Put Away Assignments

Put Away Assignments

Once the Stock is received, all the stock items are reviewed and registered into the software. The system automatically compares the available stock levels with the existing stock location before the actual stock movement.

 1. To see the Put Away Assignment page, click on Warehouse > Inbound > Put Away Assignment, the Put Away Assignment page will display as shown below.                           

      2. When a specific stock item is selected in the inbound list on the left, the details of the inbound batch are displayed on the right-hand side.
      3. On Put Away Assignment page you can see the Put Away list, Inbound batch put aways detail, Warehouse, Action, and Create Inbound Batch.
      4. In Put Away List you can see the following details:

· Inbound batch total quantity

· Batch Arrival Date

· Batch Serial Number

· PO Number

· Batch Lot Number

· Inbound bin total quantity

· Stock Name

· Bin quantity

· Bin Title. 

NotesIf needed, you can update the column by clicking on the column selector ().
      5. On Inbound Batch Put-Aways tab, you can see the batch detail, InProgress Movement, History and Stock Item info.

- Batch Details: On batch details tab following information will be displayed:

a.    Arrival Date

b.   Stock Item

c.    Stock Customer Owner

d.   Total Quantity in Batch

e.    PO Number

f.     Serial Number

g.   Lot Number

h.   Warehouse

i.     Date of Manufacture

j.     Expiry Date

k.    Created Bin

            - InProgress: On InProgress tab, you can see In Progress movement includes current bound batch.
            - History: This tab shows all the movement history of the Inbound Batch.

NotesYou can update the column selector for InProgress and History tab in a similar way as describe in step 2 Note.
            - Stock Item Info: This tab shows the following stock item details:

a.    Stock Name

b.   Description

c.    Stock Customer Owner

d.   Brand

e.    Year of Manufacturer

f.     Dangerous Good Info

g.   Created By

h.   Quantity on Shelf

i.     Quantity Allocated to Sales Orders

j.     Quantity on hold

k.    Quantity Available.

            - Files: This tab helps you to upload any files.

To Create Inbound Batch

1. To create an inbound batch, on inbound put aways assignment page, click on Create Inbound Batch, a popup for Create a new inbound stock entry will display as shown below.


2. Now, fill the details as below:
      a. Stock Item
      b. Unit of Qty
      c. Quantity Units
      d. Current Bin Location
      e. Purchase Order Number (If any)
      f. Serial/Batch Number
      g. Lot Number
      h. Arrival Date
      i. Date of Manufacture
      j. Expire Date

When creating any inbound match, Stock item, Unit of Qty and Quantity of Units are the mandatory fields.
If you want to see the all bin location(s), then enable the toggle button by click on it.

How to create Put Away Movement 

            1. To create a Put Away Movement, on Inbound Batch Put Aways tab, click on the Create Put Aways Movement button, the create put aways movement page will display as shown below.

      2. On create put aways movement page, you can review the stock and their existing locations.
      3. Now to put the stock away into an available bin location, click on "+" sign of the bin you want the stock to be allocated to. 


      4.   Now, confirm the unit of quantity and then the quantity of the units, once done click on the Create button, the stock movement is initiated from existing bin location to the defined destination bin location.


      5. After step 4, the stock movement is initiated from existing bin location to the updated destination bin location.

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