1. Now, click on newly added rule, and you will see the rule details on the right side as shown below.
2. You can update the details as follows:
a. Rule Name: Name given to rule. Can be changed at any point but should be reflective of what the rule will be used for/does. This example will leave rule name as was set on initial creation.
b. Trigger Period: This may come up blank initially, however, when the rule is enabled, it will default to Every 2 mins if you don't make a selection for this field. This section is used to specify how often this EDI rule will run. If needed, you can click on the Settings button next to this field and can select when you want this rule to run.
- Select a time period and click on Update to save the changes.

For this example, though we are going to set as Every 2 mins; this essentially means any applicable POD data will be exported as soon as it becomes available.
c. Limit Exports: This section can be used to specify whether this EDI rule should be triggered more than once for the same event. If needed, you can limit the number of times the same export will occur. In this example we are going to select it as Not Required.
d. Export Framework: is used to specify how the information will be exported from Transvirtual. In this example we are selecting it Email, here you can update the export framework setting by clicking on setting button, a pop-up to Edit the email setting will display.

You have the ability to customize the FTP, E-mail, Webservice, Printer, Account Package and SMS using the Settings button.