Merchant Setup

Merchant Setup

Register for API payments with the below

Setting up a Merchant account is unfortunately not something we at Transvirtual can assist. You will need to contact one of the three companies mentioned above to arrange the setup setup for an account and acquire the necessary details for it.
1. Once you have setup an account and have the required details, you will need to enter them on the widgets page. To see merchant setup page, go to Configuration > General > Global Setup. Click on the Merchant Setup and then go to Merchant Settings section as shown below.


2. On merchant setting section, fill the details as follows:

    a. Merchant Account Type: Select the Merchant Account Type with the help of drop-down button.
    b. Merchant ID: Manually enter the Merchant ID.
    c. Merchant Public Key
    d. Merchant Private Key

3. Once Setup done, card payments can be done as describe below:

A. Can Take Payment for Approved and Locked Invoices

      i. To see the invoice page, go to Finance > Operational Tasks > Customer Invoices and select the applicable invoice, the invoice detail page will display as shown below. 

      ii. After setting up a Merchant Account, you will then get an extra tab i.e., Credit Cards available on invoices.
      iii. If needed, then you can add a new Credit Card on invoice page. Once the correct card to charge has been entered and applied, you simply click on the Charge button to deduct that amount from the selected credit card as shown above.
To add a new card


B. Quote and Consignment Creation widget payments
Transvirtual offers widgets you can place into your website that allow customers to get quotes or create connotes without needing to login to Transvirtual or have a customer login. These widgets can be found under Configuration > General > Global Setup,
click on Website Widgets tab and then click on the View/Test Website Widget Configuration as shown below.


1. Now, click n the Quote and Consignment Creation widget, this will then allow you to test what the widget will look like and function once in your website.
2. Enter details as shown below and you then get a price to select from.
3. Customers can then create this consignment by entering credit card details to pay for it.
Configuration is required here in terms of website widget setup but that is the general premise of using a credit card to pay via a connote creation widget.

C. Prepaid Customer Account Topups
There is the option in Transvirtual to have pre-paid customers. To do this go to the customer card you want to setup as pre-paid. To see the customer card navigate to Transport > Configuration and Setup > Card Files, click on Customers tab and select the applicable customer from the customer list and finally click on the Finance tab, the finance tab will open as shown below.


      i. Enable the Pre-Paid Account setting with the help of toggle button in Yes position, you then see this appear on the right-hand side of the same page/tab:

      ii. As you can see, this gives you the ability to set this customer up as a pre-paid customer. The credit card at the top will be what card they use to pay.
      iii. The Auto Prepaid Top-up enabled slider allows you to setup an auto top-up which means as the name suggests; when the balance (using above as an example) drops to 10 or below, this account will automatically top-up by the specified top-up amount.
      iv. You can add a manual transaction down the bottom as well or print a statement if required.
      v. Pre-paid customers do not have access to this part of Transvirtual, so they can also do the same thing via the consignment creation screen:

      vi. Essentially the same thing, just a way for them to manually update if required.
You need to toggle the below setting in the customer card if you wish to allow customers to top-up their own accounts.

D. Invoice Payment Widget

This can be found under Configuration > General > Global Setup, click on the Website Widgets tab and then click on the View/Test Website Widget Configuration.

2. Here, manually enter the invoice number in the related field, the invoice detail will display as shown below.

3. Here, customer can pay for their invoice with a credit card.

Important Things to Note

The Merchant account works by deducting specified amounts from a credit card and depositing that amount into your nominated bank account.

Website Widgets: We simply provide the code for these - we do not set them up on your website. You will need to either do yourself or acquire help from your website developers. Website widgets also require configuration.
The above article runs through the general premise behind website widgets, but to fully utilize their potential, they require some level of configuration depending on the widget itself.

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