Invoice Groups

Invoice Groups

Invoice Groups are only needed if you're generating multiple invoices at the same time during the same billing period. For instance, you might need separate invoices for a customer in different states or provinces. In most situations, you'll only need one invoice per billing period. You can set this via in the 'Finance' tab of each customer or supplier profile.

Invoice Group - Customer and Agent Rule Setup

Invoice Group rules in Transvirtual are used when you need to create multiple invoices for the same customer/agent within the same invoice period.
The two pages that can be used to carry out this setup are located under Finance > Configuration and Setup > Invoice Groups (Either Customer/Supplier tab). These two pages are essentially the same; one is for customers and the other for supplier invoices. See the below for how to setup rules within these pages.
 These pages require the Finance Module.

To Create a Rule

1. To create a rule, go to Invoice rules page as shown below.                                                  
You can select to whom you assign this rule either customer or Supplier by clicking on the respective tab as shown above.
2. On invoice rule page, click on the Create Rule, a pop-up to Create a new invoice rule will come as shown below.
3. Now, assign the rule (Customer/Supplier) with the help of drop and down button and then click on Create as shown above.
4. Once the rule will be created, the rule will appear in orange color which means that it is not yet active, click on the rule and the detail of that rule will appear on the right side of the page as shown below.

5. Update the rule details as described below.
      a. Title: This is simply the name of your invoice group rule. This can be changed if needed. 
      b. Assign Rule To: This field is who the rule will apply to. If you are in the Customer Invoice Groups rules page this will be the customer, you want this rule to apply to.
If you are in the agent version of this page (Invoice Groups (Agents)) this field will relate to what agent, you want your rule to apply to. 
      c. When to Invoice Services: This will be the setting that determines when a consignment using this rule will be added to an invoice. Selecting On Creation will add a consignment to an invoice using this group rule as soon as the consignment gets created. 
      d. Set Invoice Date To: This field is used to determine when the invoice will be issued, Sunday weekly, End of Month etc.
      e. Additional Invoice Date: This field is used to set an additional invoice date. Useful, for example, in situations such as when you invoice weekly but also want to be able to capture the last few days of revenue all in one period. You might set this field to end of month and have the set invoice date field set to Sunday weekly. 
      f. Auto Close Invoice: This field can be used to automatically close an invoice on a given day. You may want an invoice to auto-close 3 business days after invoice, if so, this setting is a way to achieve this. You can still manually close the invoice before the auto-close if needed. 
      g. Invoice Due Date: This field is used to specify when an invoice is due for payment; how many days you have to pay it etc.
      h. Priority: This field is used to determine the order in which the system will look at these rules; a higher number will be used first. This field is very useful for when a consignment has more than one applicable invoice group rule; in this scenario you would assign a higher number to the rule that you want to capture the consignment so that it gets invoiced as you are expecting.
Best not to have any invoice group rules that 'cross-over' if possible, but if you do, this field can help ensure that the correct invoice group rule applies in the right circumstances and to the right consignments.
      i. Enable Rule: Used to enable or disable the rule.
6. Once you completed the changes click on Update button to save the changes. Once you configured the settings the next thing you need to do is add logic to the data filter at the bottom of the page as shown below.

Data Filter

The data filter is the driving element behind deciding when each invoice group rule will be used and what it will be used for.
1. To add a data filter, first Select Field (Screen 01), Logic (Screen 02) and Select Value (Screen 03) and then click on Add Rulethe rule detail will display on Data Filter screen (Screen 04) as shown below.
NotesIn this example, we are going to select Customer Identifier in Select Field, Equal in Logic and 1 in Select Value field.

To Delete a Rule

1. To delete any existing rule, click on delete icon, a confirmation popup will come, click on Yes, the Rule will be deleted from the database as shown below.

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