Invoice Review and Approval

Invoice Review and Approval

This article helps you with how to prepare and approve invoices

Invoice Review and Approval

  1. Review and approve/reject additional services via Finance > Administration > Additional Services Approval or from the Admin Tab of individual consignments 
  2. Open the invoice by typing the invoice number into the search box or by going to Finance > Operational Tasks > Customer Invoices/Supplier Invoices.
  3. Double-click on the invoice row you wish to review to display the invoice.
  4. Any pricing issues like zero prices or unapproved additional services will be highlighted red. Review prices for errors. For more detailed troubleshooting steps review this article 
  5. Invoices need to be in the Closed status as highlighted below before the approval options become available.
  6. Click on the Approve and Lock Invoice button to approve the invoice.



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