Form Reports

Form Reports

Form Reports

The form reports module is a module that is used to put forms onto the mobile application.
These reports can be manually started by the user or you can even make them appear automatically.
Please note that for some form repots to work with vehicle details, you will need to have "Force Vehicle Login" and/or "Force Login"turned on if you are forcing forms to appear on login.
This can be located by going to Settings > General > Global Setup

Enabling the Module

To enable the module, go to the settings tab of your TransVirtual > Select TransVirtual Account > Rates and Modules.
Please be aware of the extra charges included when the form reports module is turned on.

Initial Setup

In this example, we will look at the initial set up of customised reports and creating rules so the reports appear automatically when required.
Go to Reports > Forms Module > Form Templates.
You will see two tabs in this screen, you have "Your Forms" and "System Templates".
Now there are two ways to start a form, you can either start from scratch and make your own, or you can use the system templates and then alter from there.
This article is using a system template called "Complete Vehicle Checklist".

Now to copy this template to your templates, just simply select that "Copy Template" button on the top right.
Go to "Your Forms" and select the now orange form available in the specified screen.

Alteration of Forms

To alter this form you will need to go to "Edit Question" which can be located on the right hand side of the screen.

Inside the form, you will find the questions that are currently set up, you can alter these questions to be whatever you want and provide undertones to select the answer type.
For example, in the first question of our Vehicle Checklist we have a vehicle odometer reading, this allows the user filling out the form to enter the odometer in a specific way.
You can change this question type in the first section of the editing process:

Then as you can see you can type whatever you want in the question text box below.
You then have the question number which will be in what order the question will be displayed, the skip question we will address later, requires answer will force an answer from the user and then whether or not the question is enabled in general.
To properly utilise the "Skip Question" setting, you will need to adjust the advanced settings which are located next to the Question Details Tab.

Here you can enter question jumping, this can be tricky, you can set this so that if a particular answer is given, you will force the user to jump to a certain question.
For example:

If the user writes damaged in the answer of this particular question, they will jump to the next selected question, which in this case is "Add Notes About Any Body Defects".
You can also generate an alert if a certain answer is given by using the Generate Alert box below.

Applying The Form

So now that you have gone through your form report, adjusted all the questions and the settings inside the questions, you can look at applying the form when appropriate.
Keep in mind that if you make this accessible to all, they can manually select to open the form on their device if required.
Now we will apply based on logging in as a vehicle check list is an important first step before leaving the depot.
Back in the main page of your report you will see the below alterations applicable:

After these settings have been adjusted you can select the permission groups that this form will be available/applied to.
Then you can add data filters to further specify when or who you want the form to apply to.

Additional Information

Ensuring all the settings are applied to how you want the form to appear is essential to getting the form to work.
If your report isn't appearing, revisit the settings start from the beginning:
Is the report available to the permission group trying to access it?
Have they already filled out a report today?
Are they being forced to login?
Is the report linked to a specific user or vehicle?
Is the form enabled?

Enabling for one specific device

If you want only some device to have access to form reports, you can do so.
Firstly you will need to go to Settings > General > Global Setup > General Tab > Add-on Modules (Bottom of page).
Ensure that this setting is turned off:

Now this has turned the setting off globally, you can go to Home > Devices and Locations > Device List > Click Into Desired Device > Scroll down to Modules.
Once you have scrolled down, you can turn the setting on here, this will mean that one specific device will have access to form reports.

Form reports are very handy to ensure the safety of drivers and to also ensure the quality of deliveries, if you have everything set out correctly these forms will assist you and your driver in providing outstanding and safe delivery service.

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