Invoice Mass Actions

Invoice Mass Actions

Invoice Mass Actions

In this article we will be providing a general overview of the Invoice Mass Actions tool.
You can locate this by going to Finance > Invoices > Customer or Agent (RTCI) Invoice Mass Actions.
Both of these pages operate in the same manner; one is for customer invoices and the other for agent invoices. 

Users of the 2022 navigation update should proceed to Finance > Operational Tasks > Bulk Customer Invoice Actions OR Bulk Supplier Invoice Actions.

This page requires the Finance Module

General Overview

Clicking on the check boxes next to the invoices, you will notice that there are two options that appear in the top right-hand corner of your table:

Only click those you wish to perform a bulk action against. 
These two settings will let you either bulk approve and lock all selected invoices or bulk draft approve all selected invoices. 

By default you will likely have the below status column which indicates what stage an invoice is currently in:

This column can be handy to identify any closed invoices that need approving and locking in bulk or any that you want to approve a draft version of.
If this column is not in your grid, you can add it via the column selector icon located top-left:

Invoices appearing highlighted in Red will have pricing issues associated with these and should be reviewed prior to performing bulk actions.

Invoices appearing highlighted in Orange are those that have consignments requiring approval for Additional Services and should be reviewed prior to performing bulk actions.

Please also note that you can double click and enter into these invoices as you normally would in the the invoice search screen.

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