Equipment Balances

Equipment Balances

Equipment Balances

The Equipment Balance Report presents reportable data and transaction entry based off your setup equipment in your Equipment Type List - it displays transactions made between your business and other receiving business locations; allowing you to track and identify what equipment you owe and are due.
1. To see the equipment balances page go to Reports > Operational Tasks > Equipment Balances.
To see the Equipment Module, make sure that you enabled it, to do it, go to Configuration > TransVirtual Account > Rates and Modules.

2. While navigating to the equipment balances page, you will see a screen as shown below.

3. This page allows you to filter through your Equipment Types and see all transactions made using that Equipment Type. The Location name listed is the business that the transaction was made against.

Things of Note

1. You can add a new equipment transaction to this list by clicking on the in the top right-hand corner of the window. 
2. After clicking, a pop-up window will appear. Fill in the equipment transaction details and then click Create to save it. 
3. You can filter this list by Equipment Type and/or Headport. 
4. To filter by Equipment Type, click the below section located at the top of the page:


5. This will require that you have Equipment Types setup in your account. Click here for further information on how to set these up. 
6. To filter by Headport, simply use the filter top-right of the page as shown below.

7. Filtering by Headport allows you to see transactions made in the selected Headport - doing so can return you valuable information.  This will require that you have Headports configured in your account - Click here for further information on this if required. 
8. You can Download or Print this list by clicking on the  located top-right.
9. You can also export the results from the grid using the export button at the bottom-left of the page, this function gives you the data listed from the grid above.

10. Double-click on an entry or row to get more in-depth information about that transaction as shown below.
11. Clicking this will provide a screen as shown below.


Extra Information

1. Double clicking on a location and looking at their transaction history, you will see this field:

      a. Exchange to Entity (Off) = This is the equipment you are physically transferring to a customer or receiver.
      b. Exchange to Entity (On) = This is equipment that the receiver is giving back to you.
      c. Customer Owned = These are specialized equipment types that the customer or receiver owns. For example, Kegs are often placed onto special plastic pallets and the customer or receiver may own these, as they often do Keg based deliveries.
      d. Transfer to Entity (Off) = This is for when you are electronically transferring equipment to a customer or receiver's account. They are then charged for these if required etc.
      e. Transfer to Entity (On) =This is for when a customer or receiver transfers your equipment electronically and you may then have to pay for these if required etc.

2. The below may prove useful:

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