Driver Data

Driver Data

Driver Data (Mobile Stats)

This page in TransVirtual is used to show the driver activities.
To navigate the driver data page, go to Report > Operational Task > Driver Data, the driver data page will display as shown below.

1. On Driver KPI page, you can filter the page as describe below.
      a. Headport: This filter at the top-left and can be used to sort for drivers from different Headports. You may want to only see information for drivers from one particular Headport. To do this, you would simply click on the drop-down button and select the relevant Headport. This field requires that your drivers are set against/linked to a headport for accurate information to display. To set a Headport for a driver you simply need to edit their login in the staff list and assign them the appropriate Headport. 

      b. Date: This field is used to select a specific date you want to look at the information for. Selecting today's date will return information for today only.
For example, if you were looking at Unique Drops, clicking today's date would show you information for this data type for today only.

      c. DataType: This field is used to see what information you wish to view, selecting Consignment Cubic will show you the consignment count and weight in total that each driver has on for your selected date.

      d. Period: This field can also be used to add additional time period filters.

2. If you wish to export the driver data information, then on the bottom of the page click on the drop-down button of export and select the application option, the file will be downloaded automatically as shown below.

3. You can also change the columns in the results grid by using the column selector button as shown below.

4. Add/Remove the column and then click on Update button to save the changes as shown above. 

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