Device List

Device List

This article describes how to access the device list and all the available features.

Accessing the device list

1. To see the mobile device list where Transvirtual application used, in the navigation menu, go to Transport > Configuration and Setup > Device List, mobile devices page will appear as shown below.

This list shows only devices that have been active over the last 2 weeks.
2. If required, you can see the expired mobile devices then click on the Show Expired checkbox to show all devices linked to your business.

Viewing Device Details

To see the device detail, you can double click on any of the devices you would like to see details and history, the mobile device detail will open as shown below.


Device Info

This article covers the details and settings available on the device info tab, this tab has some sections describe as below.

General Information

  • Name: This is the name of the device. Double click to change.

  • Group Tag: This is the group tag of the device. Double Click to change.

  • Current User: This is the current user that is signed into the device.

  • Last Contact: The last time the device contacted the Transvirtual Servers.

  • Current Version: Version of the Transvirtual software installed on the device.

  • Bluetooth Name: The device's Bluetooth name.

  • Manufacturer: Manufacture's Name.

  • Serial: Device Serial Number.

Last Known Location

This shows the current location of the device if the GPS is enabled. It will show the day's travel as well as more details statistics.


The settings in this section allow you to override settings from Configuration > Global Setup 


  • Force Login: Each time the application starts the driver will be prompted with a login page to confirm or alter the current user and vehicle that device is assigned to.

  • Allow Quick Login: Allows drivers to scan a barcode of driver's name to login or gives the drivers a selection of valid users to choose from.

  • Force Vehicle in Login: Works in conjunction with the force login setting, requiring your drivers to select a vehicle from a list when they log into a device.

  • Clear Password in Login: Helps to clear password and user will need to manually enter it.

  • Allow Time zone Set: The time zone of the device automatically inherits the time zone selected within the Transvirtual portal.

  • Allow Headport Set: Allow staff to change the headport on their device or restrict it to make changes only via the web portal.

  • Allow Vehicle Detail View: Allows your to review details of vehicle (that device is assigned to) and take display photo of vehicle. Recommend only a manager has this enabled as assists in vehicle setup. Feature visible in applications settings page.


  • Load via Item Scanning: If you will be scanning item barcodes onto vehicle in place of the consignment numbers this will assist drivers in tracking shortages by displaying scan counts and row colors.

  • Load Vehicle - Search Consignment before Manifests: As your drivers scan freight in the Load Vehicle page, the system will by default search for consignment numbers before General manifest numbers. If this value is enabled, the logic will search for manifest numbers before consignment numbers

  • Live 'On Delivery' Scans: As the driver loads their vehicle and the device has the setting "Display Load Scans" enabled within the Transvirtual settings of that device, live scans will be sent to the server in place of waiting for the driver to complete their load.

  • Allow Duplicate Scans: Allows the scan of duplicate consignment numbers while loading. If an item has already been scanned by that device and this is set, it will still record the second scan.

  • Allow Subdockets: If driver scans a consignment that does not exist in the system, this will allow driver to take a photo of freight and generate a sub consignment that will auto merge with the real data when entered into the web portal.

  • Capture all Item Barcodes in Subdocket: It is used to force drivers to scan all the available items/bar-codes to track shortages. 

  • Allow Load on Delivery Page: If this is de-selected drivers will not be able to add consignments while in the Delivery page on the mobile devices. They will be advised to go to the Load Vehicle page to add consignment data.

  • Disable Scan Load on Load Page: If this feature enabled then driver will not be able to load fresh consignment within the load vehicle page of their device, to know more about this feature click on Question Mark icon ().

  • Warn Scan Load in Load Page: This feature helps when freight is not assigned to mobile user, a warning will be displayed to warn them and give an option to continue loading or bypass the request.

  • Allow Load via Consignment Number: If this is de-selected drivers will only be able to add consignments to the device via article barcode scans and consignment numbers will not return data. This is used if you require maximum article scanning as loading via consignment numbers will not generate scan data.

  • Allow Delete in Load Page: Allows drivers to remove consignments from device while in the Load page.


  • Display Extra Charges Before Signature: When navigating within a consignment the extra charge page is displayed before the signature page.

  • Allow Turn Directions: Will allow the driver to use turn by turn driving instructions to get to their end location.

  • Allow Silent Clear on Delivery Page: If this is enabled, drivers will be able to clear all "Undelivered" consignments from the devices "Deliveries" page via a "Clear" menu option. The system will NOT record any "return" depot status updates for those consignments. The most common way to return consignments to depot is via the "Return Depot" button (tap delivery at top of delivery page) which WILL then change status updates against each consignment.

  • Capture Failed On Delivery Scans: If driver scans an item "Load Vehicle" and it does not exist on server, this setting will still capture a "On Delivery" scan if the item appears in system later. If this is turned off, "On Delivery" scan will not be captured for missing consignment data.


  • Allow ReBarcode Mapping: If allowed your drivers will be able to "remap" barcodes on a given consignment. This will be used if the barcode values are not known until the freight is picked up and at that point drivers will be able to rescan all the barcodes against the given consignment.

  • Allow ReWeighting: If this is allowed, your team will be able to update consignment weight and dimensions as they scan freight.

  • Allow ReWeighting Pickup Only: If enabled, drivers can check weights/quantity for pickups only when they enter the consignment. Driver will do this by selecting a item row. 

  • Validate Linehaul Scans: If turned on, each linehaul out scan will hit the server to check against your route tables. If any issues found, user is alerted. Note, this may cause short delays between each linehaul out scan.

  • Validate Depot In Scans: If turned on, each depot in scan will hit the server to check against your route tables. If any issues found, user is alerted. Note, this may cause short delays between each depot in scan.

  • Limit Vehicle In Linehaul Out to Assigned: When performing Linehaul Out scans, enabling this will limit your mobile users to vehicles to assigned to the given headport. If using the linehaul controller, then it will limit to the vehicles your team assign to each linehaul route.


  • Allow Equipment Control Module: The equipment control module allows your team to monitor transfers between you and your customers. Example is the control of pallets.

  • Monitor Driver Equipment: If enabled, drivers will have an equipment transaction report completed when they leave and return back to depot.

  • Allow Form Reports Module (Driver/Vehicle Checks): Forms module is charged per device; this setting will allow you to turn off the default for each device where you can then turn on at the device level.

  • Allow Optimal Route Module: Optimal route is charged per device; this setting will allow you to turn off the default for each device where you can then turn on at the device level.

Location History

This article covers the location history of the device. Please note, location history for Mobile Devices is only stored for 6 months.

General Information

  • Setting the display date will show you device location history for the device on that date.  

  • On the left you will see a list of location events,

  • On the right you will see a map of the location data for the day.

  • Once you have selected or hovered you mouse pointer over the Location Event you will see only that events location on the map.

  • Within the map you will be able to zoom in and out and switch between Map and Satellite view.

  • There is a feature on the top left-hand corner of the map that allows you to see the Optimised Route generated by Transvirtual and Kilometre's saved.

Consignment History

Consignment history tab used to see the history of particular consignment. On consignment history tab you can see customer name, Number, Sender and Receiver Name, Quantity and Weight, as shown below.

If needed, then you can select the particular date to see the consignment history.

Data History

Data History gives an overview about data used by mobile. On Data History tab you can see Date, In and Out data and total data. You can also see the daily history of data in graphical representation as shown below.

This data will show for the last 30 days.

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