Data Imports

Data Imports


The import framework within TransVirtual allows you to import your data in a number of ways. This framework will expand as technology develops.

There are 6 import frameworks
  1. Remote FTP
  2. TransVirtual Hosted FTP Server
  3. TransVirtual Email Account
  4. Manual
  5. Webservice on demand (API)
EDI Data import utilise the versatile and flexible framework provided by TransVirtual to create both simple and complex data imports.
At its simplest you can work through a few easy questions to get you started:

What?   What type of data are you trying to import. i.e. Consignment Data, POD
Where?  Who provides this data?
How?   Where will the data come from. Does it come via Email, FTP etc.
A common example might be:

What: POD Image
Where: Rapid Transport Service
How: FTP

Import rules are divided up into the following categories. 
  1. Customer Service Tickets
  2. Consignments
  3. Consignment Status Updates
  4. Proof of Delivery
  5. Photos & Images
  6. Scan Events

Import Framework

Remote FTP Import Framework

The FTP import framework allows the transfer of data via an FTP or SFTP Connection.

Configuring the FTP connection requires the following information to be filled out. Most of these settings will be provided by the party hosting the FTP Service.

  • FTP Server URL:  The hostname of the FTP service (i.e.

  • Username:  Username for the service

  • Password: Password for the service

  • Port:  Defaults for FTP is 21 & sFTP is 22.

  • FTP Folder:  Path to the folder the data will be exported to. (i,e, "POD/photo/in" )

  • Active Mode:  By default, all data transfers are initiated with a PASV transfer, Tick this box to enable Active transfers.

  • SFTP:  Tick this box if you require a Secure FTP connection

  • Update other configuration that have the same 'Server FTP URL':   Tick this box if you would like to update other EDI Import rules that use the same FTP URL

TransVirtual Hosted FTP Server Import Framework

The TransVirtual Hosted FTP import framework allows the transfer of data via the TransVirtual FTP Server.

Configuring the FTP connection is simple,

  1. Click on Settings

  2. Click on Generate FTP Server

  3. Click on Update

TransVirtual Email Account Import Framework

The TransVirtual Hosted Email import framework allows the transfer of data via the TransVirtual Email Server.

Configuring the Email account connection is simple,

  1. Click on Settings

  2. Click on Generate Address

  3. Click on Update

Manual Import Framework

The Manual import framework allows the transfer of data manually into TransVirtual.

There is no configuration of this import, its enables the rule to be used in manual data imports.

Webservice On Demand Import Framework

The Webservice on demand import framework allows the import of data via the TransVirtual API Service.

When this is configured, if an item is scanned and not found in your consignment list, it will then execute this rule to check if its available via the API/Webservice you have configured.

The settings are configure as follows;

  1. URL:  The URL of the Web API.
  1. Header Fields: for basic authentication the following would work; Authorization=<TransVirtual Client Number>|<TransVirtual Web API Token>
  2. TransVirtual Client Number: The TransVirtual Client Number from the business where you require consignment information. You will find this on the Dashboard
  3. TransVirtual Web API Token: The  API Authentication Token from the business where you require consignment information. You will find this in the Global Settings under API
  4. HTTP Method:  Post/Put/Get/Download/Delete
  5. Request Body:  This is an example of the request to retrieve consignment infomation based of a Barcode;
{"ConsignmentNumber":@Raw("\"")@Model.BarcodeValue@Raw("\""), "Barcode":@Raw("\"")@Model.BarcodeValue@Raw("\"")}

Import File Types

The import file types within TransVirtual allows you to import your data and map the data through a range of file types.

There are currently 2 base export file types to perform your data export, follow each of the links to see an article on how to configure each of them.

  • XML

  • CSV

  • Excel 2003

  • Excel 2007

XML Import File Type

Due to the complex nature of a XML data file, these type of files require a schema to be created. If this import type  is required, please contact us and provide us a sample file to create a schema. 

CSV Import File Type

This guide will show you how to setup a file import using the CSV file type import.

The fields required for setup of this file type depend of the EDI Category. Some are POD Only related.

  • Delimiter Char: This is the character that separates the fields within the row. This is commonly a comma.

  • Ignore First Row:  Ignore the first line in the file. This is usually done to skip a header row containing the column names.

  • Include Header Row:  Tick the box to include a header row

  • Column Mapping:  This tells TransVirtual how to read the data you're importing. Select the column heading from the list provided. Ensure that the order exactly matches that of the data being imported. To ignore fields-  there is a mapping field called xIgnore.

  • Transformational Code:  TransVirtual can provide development assistance in order to map complicated data files. In these cases, a customized script will be created and you will be given a Transformation Code. Contact us to discuss options.

Excel 2003/2007 Import File Type

This guide will show you how to setup a file import using the Excel 2003 or Excel 2007 file type import. 

The fields required for setup of this file type depend of the EDI Category. Some are POD Only related.

  • Ignore First Row:  Ignore the first line in the file. This is usually done to skip a header row containing the column names.

  • Column Mapping:  This tells TransVirtual how to read the data you're importing. Select the column heading from the list provided. Ensure that the order exactly matches that of the data being imported. To ignore fields-  there  is a mapping field called xIgnore.

  • Transformational Code:  TransVirtual can provide development assistance in order to map complicated data files. In these cases, a customized script will be created and you will be given a Transformation Code. Contact us to discuss options.





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