The Data filter is used extensively throughout the application. This article will provide an insight in to how it works and how you can use it in your business.
Data filters help you filter data based off one or more rules within a single data filter. These rules can be linked together with conditions (AND / OR) to create complex filters.
These data filters are used throughout the application and the fields you can filter on are customised to the area you are working on.
The screen is made up of the following information:
- The top box shows the rules that have been added. They can also be manually modified here.
- The bottom section allows you to create the rules in a 3-steps process i.e., Select Field, Logic and Select Value as shown below.
- As you can see in the above screenshot, with the help of drop-down button you can select the applicable field, logic and value.
- Use Next button to select the next field or Prev button to go back to previous selection and if needed update the field/logic or value as necessary. Once value has been selected then you can click on Add Rule button and rule will be added and will be shown in the data filter section as shown in screen 4.
The Field, Logic and Value are different, and it depends on the selection, to know more what each field means, refer below table.
Step-by-step guide
Adding a rule
1. Select the field you require to make a rule against and click on next button to select the logic.
2. Select how you would like to check the above selected field. Options are included as below.
Operator | Short Display Name | Description | Example | Syntax |
Equal | = | The comparable value is the same | Tom is equal tom | CustomerContact = 'tom' |
Not Equal | != | The comparable value is NOT the same | Bill is not equal tom | CustomerContact != 'bill' |
Starts With Text | startswith | The selected field's value starts with a comparable text. | Tom's Hardware start with text tom | CustomerNameClient startswith 'tom' |
Ends With Text | endswith | The selected field's value ends with a comparable text. | Tom's Hardware ends with text ware | CustomerNameClient endswith 'tom' |
Contains Text | contains | The selected field's value contains comparable text. | Tom's Hardware contains hard | CustomerNameClient contains 'hard' |
Does Not Contain Text | notcontains | The selected fields value does NOT contain comparable text. | Tom's Hardware does not contain wire | CustomerNameClient notcontains 'wire' |
In List | in | Enables you to select one or more values. The selected fields value is one of the comparable fields. | Tom's Hardware In List Tom's Hardware, Bills Wire, Jarrod's Rivots | CustomerNameClient in ('Tom\'s Hardware,Bills Wire,Jarrod\'s Rivots') |
Not In List | notin | Enables you to select one or more values. The selected fields value is NOT one of the comparable fields. | Tom's Hardware Not In List Bills Wire, Jarrod's Rivots, Peter's Pizza's | CustomerNameClient notin ('Bills Wire,Jarrod\'s Rivots,Peter's Pizza\'s') |
Greater Than | > | The selected field's value is greater than a comparable number | 8 is greater than 5 | ItemLength1 > 5 |
Greater Than or Equal | >= | The selected field's value is greater than or equal to a comparable number. | 5 is greater than or equal to 5 | ItemLength1 >= 5 |
Less Than | < | The selected field's value is less than a comparable number | 5 is less than 8 | ItemLength1 < 8 |
Less Than or Equal | <= | The selected field's value is less than or equal to a comparable number. | 5 is less than or equal to 5 | ItemLength1 <= 5 |
In Range | inrange | The selected field's value is in the range of a set of numbers. | 5 is in range of 1-10 | RecievePostcode inrange ('2000-2400') |
3. Enter or select the comparable value.
4. Repeat this process as many times as required to refine and define your filtering.
Reviewing the rule
The accumulation of your rules is displayed in a box above the rule creation. This area can be manually edited to further refine the rules.
The rule generator makes some educated assumptions about the rules your creating based on the data in the rules your inserting, this may not always be correct, so it's worth understanding how the rule logic works.
There are 2 basic rule conditions and brackets to work with. They are AND and OR. The brackets encapsulate a set of conditions.
As an example, we have 2 Customers that require to have SMS Notifications sent to the receiver when a consignment is onboard for delivery.
( CustomerNameClient = 'Faster Delivery Service' or
CustomerNameClient = 'Quick Transport') and
ConsignmentStatusName = 'OnDelivery' and
AdditionalService = 'SMS Comms'
The above rule can be read as;
Where the CustomerNameClient is "Faster Delivery Service" OR "Quick Transport"
AND ConsignmentStatusName is 'OnDelivery'
AND Additional Service is 'SMS Comms'
All three lines conditions MUST be met for this rule to find match any consignments to send an SMS.
Special Considerations
If there are commas or apostrophes it MUST be manually escaped with a "\". This mean any time you have test that contains a value similar to this - Tom's, Jill's and Bob's Hardware - it will need to be changed to - Tom\'s\, Jill\'s and Bob\'s Hardware.