Data Filter Terms - What They Mean

Data Filter Terms - What They Mean

Data Filter Terms - What They Mean - Rate Card Specific

TransVirtual has an extensive list of Data Filter Terms that can be used to refine/limit data for use with EDIs etc. Here's a list of what they mean/are used for in relation to rate cards:

Data Filter Terms - Rate Card List

Customer Identifier: Used to display who the customer of a customer may be. You may have a consignment with a customer of x, but the same consignment in their system may be for one of their customers. 
Customer Name: Who the customer of a consignment is.
Zone Destination: Where the freight is going to.
Zone Depart: Where the freight is coming from.
Agent Code: An Alternate name for an Agent-usually a shortened version. Used for imports etc; helps refine data.
Agent Name: The name of an Agent that a consignment may be assigned to.
Customer Code: Alternate name for a customer-usually a shortened version. Used for imports etc; helps refine data. 
Receiver State: The state where the freight is going to.
Sending State: The state where the freight came/originated from.
Consignment Number: A unique number for a job/consignment.
Freight Item: The type of freight on a consignment; skid, bag, pallet, etc
Qty (Freight Type Combined): Used to look at a specific Freight Type; ignoring other freight types. For example, you may want to place an override in a rate card that says when there are more than 3 bins, jump to an alternate rate. When entering this the logic will read as 'QtySingleItemRow'. This essentially means that the filter will look for a single line row on a consignment to apply this logic to. This term can be used in conjunction with the 'Freight Item' Term to specify what item type and row you want this logic to apply to.
Weight (Freight Type Combined): Similar to Qty (Freight Type Combined), instead working with weight rather than qty. This logic will look at a single item row of a consignment and only one type of freight to apply this logic. You may want to say that when the weight for any bins on a consignment is greater than 10, you price this line at a cage price. Can be used in conjunction with 'Freight Item' to specify what type of freight this logic applies to.
Cubic (Freight Type Combined): Similar to the above two terms; used to look at the cubic of a single item row of a consignment-ignoring other freight types. Can be used in conjunction with 'Freight Item' to specify what freight type you want this logic to apply for.
Total Qty: The total qty of a consignment-regardless of freight type.
Total Weight: The total weight of a consignment-regardless of freight type.
Total Cubic: The total cubic of a consignment-regardless of freight type. 
Length (Single Item Row): The total length of a single item row of a consignment. This can be used in conjunction with 'Freight Item' to limit this logic to only apply to pallets or skids etc.
Width (Single Item Row): The total width of a single item row of a consignment. This can be used in conjunction with 'Freight Item' to limit this logic to only apply to pallets or skids etc.
Height (Single Item Row): The total height of a single item row of a consignment. This can be used in conjunction with 'Freight Item' to limit this logic to only apply to pallets or skids etc.
Point to Point: Used in relation to the point to point toggle on a consignment being yes (selected) or no (not selected). 
Average Weight (Total Combined): Irrespective of freight type. Looks at all lines of a consignment then finds the total weight, and then averages this out amongst the total freight quantity; so if total weight is 1000, and consignment total freight quantity is 10, the average will be 100.
Average Weight (Freight Type Combined): Specific to only one type of freight. Looks at all lines of a consignment for ONE type of freight, finds the total weight and then averages out the weight based on the quantity of that particular freight type.
Sender Name: The name of the consignment sender.
Sender Address: The location of the sending address.
Receiver Address: The location of the receiving address. 
Receiver Name: The name of the consignment receiver. 
Average Cubic (Total Combined): Irrespective of freight type. Looks at all lines of a consignment finding the total cubic, then averages this out based on the number of freight items.
Average Cubic (Freight Type Combined): Specific to only one freight type. Looks at all lines of a consignment for ONE type of freight, finds the total cubic and then averages this out based on the number of that particular freight type.
Length (Single Item Row) x Width (Single Item Row): The area of the length x the width. Can be used in conjunction with the 'Freight Item' to specify what freight type to apply this logic to.
Weight (Single Item Row): The weight of a single item row of a consignment. Can be used in conjunction with the 'Freight Item' to specify what freight type to apply this logic to.
Description (Single Item Row): The description of a single item row of a consignment. Generally speaking, the description of a single item row will match a freight type-but not always. 
Average Weight (Single Item Row): The average weight for a single item row of a consignment. Can be used in conjunction with the 'Freight Item' to specify what freight type to apply this logic to. Averages out the weight for that line based on the quantity of that freight item.
Receiver Suburb: The suburb of the receiver address-what suburb the freight is going to.
Sending Suburb: The suburb that the freight came/originated from.
Customer Data Filter Tag: A tag you can add to a customer card in order to be able to filter data. Very useful for EDIs etc.
Senders Location Type: The type of sending location; business or residential or unknown; can be used to create data filters.
Receiver Location Type: The type of receiving location can be used to create data filters; business, residential, unknown, etc.
Label Route Zone From: The sending zone as per the freight label; based on zone list mapping setup in Global settings. Freight going from Sydney to Melbourne may have on the label SYD > MEL; and the sending zone listed here will be what this filter uses.
Label Route Zone To: The receiving zone as per the freight label; based on zone list mapping setup in Global settings. Freight going from Sydney to Melbourne may have on the label SYD > MEL; and the receiving zone listed here will be what this filter uses.
Consignment Date Day: What day of the week the consignment date falls on; Monday, Tuesday etc. This is useful if you want to apply extra charges for weekend work for example.
First Delivery Date Day: What day of the week the first delivery date for a consignment will occur/has occurred; Monday, Tuesday etc. This is useful if you want to apply extra charges for weekend work for example.
Total Weight (or Total Cubic Weight)-Greater: The greater of either the total weight (dead weight) or the total cubic weight, this is then compared to a number. For example; Total Weight (or Total Cubic Weight) Greater > 100 = use higher rate. Used for charging purposes
Service Level: The Service level of a consignment; general, express, standard, etc. These are located in step one of a rate card. 
Total Weight Greater Total Cubic Weight: Is the Total Weight greater than the cubic. You can use this logic to say if yes do this; if no do this.
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