


The dashboard is a customisable overview of your operations, it gives an overview of your account activity.
The Dashboard consists of the following major components:
Links to the functions within the TransVirtual Web Portal. This menu remains at the top of every page to enable quick access to all areas of the software.
Enter a number (consignment, manifest, reference) a name (sender or reciever) or an address (pickup or delivery) and all results matching the search, will be displayed.


Can be moved around the page to customise the view by dragging and dropping. You can also hide widgets that you dont need. Additional widgets are being developed.

History Button

This button provides quick access to the last 20 entries across a range of fields. These include consignments, customers, customer invoices, agents and agent invoices. Click in a free area of the box at the top to add extra history fields, you can also remove by clicking on the x next to a history type.


Is an alert to ensure users of important information. This can be disabled in the user's profile.

User Profile

Change/Logout users, edit profiles or enter security mode.

Enable or disable widgets.

In the top right-hand corner of the screen is a small eye button (), When you click on this button you are presented with a selection of available widgets you can turn on or off.

Moving widgets

Each widget has a heading row. If you click and hold and drag you can move the widget around the screen.


1. To see the widgets list, on the dashboard screen click on widget icon (), the list of widgets will display as shown below.

2. Refer below details to know about what each widget is used for.

3. If needed, then you can update any of the widget title. To update the Widget title, click on the setting icon () located at right-hand side on the title of the related widget and then update the title of the widget.
4. Now click on OK button, the title of the widget will be updated as shown below.


Today's Progress

This widget gives you an overview of consignments where you can see the customer's name, due today and consignments delivery date.

Last Deliveries

The last deliveries widget shows the recent deliveries, where you can see the driver's name who completed the delivery, where it was delivered and when it was delivered.

Last known Locations (Today)

This widget shows the last known locations or can simply say it shows recent GPS locations for deliveries etc. as shown below.

1. If needed, you can refresh the map by clicking on refresh icon ().

TransVirtual News

This widget reflects any updates related to TransVirtual post. User can follow TranVirtual thru this app by clicking on Follow on Twitter.


Pickup Activity

This widget shows active pickups, date of connote, connote number, pickup location and the consignment status.


Price Request

This widget gives you the ability to generate a quote similar to the quote page.


  1.  To see the estimated price of any consignment, with the help of drop and down button select the Customer and Service, manually fill the Sending and Receiving Location and then fill the Items tab, once you complete the details then click on the Calc Price Estimate.

Customer, Sending, Receiving Location and Items are the mandatory field to calc. the estimate price of any consignment/item.

Agent Manifest

1. This widget shows current agent manifests and gives a breakdown of the manifests. On left-hand side of the Agent Manifest page, you can see the Manifest Creation Date, Manifest Number, Agent Name and Status and on the right-hand side you can see Manifest basic info (Manifest number and Date), Summary of Goods Manifested Info (Quantity, Description, Weight and Cubic) as shown below.


2. On manifest page, you can print the Labels, Consignment, Manifest and can view the Manifest by clicking on the appropriate button located below the available actions.

Customer Manifest

This widget shows current customer manifests and gives a breakdown of the manifests (Pickup Required option is not available in current tab) as shown below.

1. On Customer Manifest Widget section, you can see the basic detail of Manifest i.e., Manifest date, Manifest Number, Customer Name and Current status of manifest (i.e., Close or Open).
2. Apart from basic details, you can see the Manifest info, summary of goods manifested where you can see the item quantity, name, weight and their Cubic.
3. On Customer Manifest widget, you can print the Labels, Consignment, Manifest and can view the Manifest by clicking on the appropriate button located below the available actions.

Load Vehicle

This widget shows what each driver/user has in their load page. Clicking on a Driver shows what consignments that driver has in their load page. The Unassigned section shows any consignments that are currently unassigned-not loaded, these consignments require load scanning and actioning. 


1. On Load Vehicle widget screen, you can create a new consignment and can edit a driver.
2. To create a consignment, click on Create Consignment button and follow the instructions as describe in Create Consignment section (Add a hyper link of consignment creation article here).
3. To Edit Drivers, click and Edit Drivers button and then follow the instructions describe in Edir Driver (Add a hyper link of Edit Driver article here).
4. To edit any existing article, double click on Consignment Number and then follow the instructions describe in Consignment details (Add a hyper link of consignment details article here).

On Delivery

1. This widget shows consignments that are in a driver/user's delivery page. On this widget you can see the driver drop count, consignment quantity assigned to that driver for delivery, item quantity in that consignment, weight and cubic.
2. If you select the driver, the detail of the consignment will be visible on the right-hand side where you can see Consignment number, Customer, Name, Suburb, Quantity, Weight, Cubic and ETA.


3. If you want to edit the details of consignment, then double click on any of the detail present in right-hand side, you will be redirect to consignment detail page and then follow the instructions describe in Consignment details (Add a hyper link of consignment details article here). 

Consignments which are coloured in White are the ones that have not yet been delivered and the consignment which are coloured in Green have been delivered.

Expected Linehaul

This widget shows freight that is picked up (or pending pickup) which has not yet been linehaul scanned - and gives you an overview of headports, consignment quantities, item quantities, weight and cubic as shown below.


Due Today, Unassigned

This widget shows consignments that are due for pickup or delivery today and are yet to be assigned.


1. On Due date, Unassigned widget screen you can see customer name, consignment quantity, item quantity, weight and cubic.
2. On Right-hand side of the widget screen, you can see the total consignment due of that particular customer along with all the details i.e., consignment number, due date, status, Name, Suburb, Quantity, Weight, Instructions and Additional info.
If needed, you can edit any of the consignment detail by double click on the any of the Information mention in the right-hand side of the widget screen, then you will be redirect to consignment detail page and then follow the instructions describe in Consignment details (Add a hyper link of consignment details article here).

Extra Information (Can we give this info in top?)

Each widget has a settings icon located top-right, which gives you the option to rename the widget and, on some widgets, you can select a headport to view only data for that headport and other parameters as below.

Note: The blue/white helper icons give you an overview of what each field is used for/does:

Super-admin have the authorisation to update the global setting of any of the widget mention in the above.

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