Customer Storage Rates

Customer Storage Rates

Storage rates provide you the ability to charge customers for the storage of their stock within your warehouse, these storage charges initially need to have the correct settings selected prior to applying any rates. 
These settings can be adjusted on both the global level and also the customer level.
Warehouse Related Rules can be found by either going to Configuration > General > Global Setup > Warehouse Related Rules or Warehouse > Configuration and Setup > Customers > Click into Customer > Warehouse Related Rules.
To see the Customer Movement Rates page, go to Finance > Configuration and Setup > Rate Cards, click on Customer Storage Rates tab, the Customer Movement Rates page will display as shown below.

1. On Customer Storage Rates page, you can Create/Add a new rate, can edit or delete the existing rate card.

To add New Rate

1. To add a new rate, on Customer Storage Rate page, click on New Rate, a pop-up Create New Rate will display as shown below.

2. On create new rate screen, use the dropdown button to select the Customer to whom rate will be assigned, and once customer is selected, click on Create, the newly added rate will be display on the Customer Storage Rate list as shown below.

The Orange color shows that this rule is not yet active.
3. Now, select the added rate, the detail of selected rate will be display on the right side of the screen as shown above.
4. On rate card info screen, you can edit the details as below:
      a Rate Card Title: This field used to update the title of rate card.
      b. Zone Listing: The zone list that applies to the rate card, this will be defaulted to your headports. 
      c. Enable Rate: Use toggle to Active/Inactive the rate card. 
      d. Memo: This field used to add any additional info in Memo field.
      e. Default Rate Card: Use toggle to make the rate card as default rate card.
      f. Detailed Rates: Your detailed rates are the rates that you will be entering, these are the main rates that apply to the customer.
      g. Shadow Rates: Shadow rates allow you to apply other rates to a customer, these rates can be considered alternative, secondary or "backup" rates.
      h. Rate Schedules: Your rate schedules are how you can apply different rates over different date ranges as you will see, this feature allows you to do increases, add margins, filters and more.

5. On Rate card info screen, if you wish to assigned particular customer then use the expand icon and then click on Plus Icon, a pop-up to add Additional Customer/Suppliers pop-up will be displayed as shown below.

6. On Add Additional Customers/Suppliers pop-up, use drop-down button and select the applicable Customer/Supplier from the list.
7. If you wish to remove any Customer/Supplier from the list, click on Cross Icon a confirmation screen will display, here click on Yes, the applicable Customer/Supplier will be removed from the list as shown below.
8. Once new rate has been added, now setup a rate card against this rate, to do so, on Rate Schedules section, click on Effective date, the rate screen will be display as shown below.

Set-up Rate on Rate Card

1. On Rate Card Setup screen, it is categorised in four different steps as below.
      a. Storage Time Frame
      b. Stock UOM
      c. Select Warehouse
      d. Add/Edit Rating Details

2. To setup the rate, you have to complete all four steps i.e., first select the Storage Type/Duration, secondly select the Stock UOM and then select the Warehouse from the warehouse list and then finally Add/Edit the Rating details.
3. On Add/Edit Rating screen, you can add the different charges as describe below:
      a. Flat Rates: These rates will apply once for each connote and would be your basic charge on an order & kilo rate setup.
      b. Quantity Rates: These rates will apply for each item based on the quantity of items entered against the order.
      c. Service Min Charge: These rates are based on the entire charge of the consignment including all of the above charges and can be set to allow for small charges based on few items in orders.
      d. Service Max Charge: These rates are based on the entire charge of the consignment including all of the above charges and can be set to allow for maximum charges based on few items in orders.

Extra Information

1. Freight Item Override

Freight item overrides allow the system to automatically price around parameters specified in step 2 of the rate card. Essentially the user can specify when they would like the stock UOM to override to a different stock UOM.
For example: If the user wishes to use a full pallet charge when the unit has a stock has an item name of "Wired Mouse" despite the stock UOM being used, they can specify in the override window.
To setup the override, the user needs to drop down a Stock UOM in step 2, in our example we will be overriding from "Unit"  

This will provide us with a popup, this popup window will display some available settings that allow us to move the rate to another stock UOM.
The alternate UOM is the destination, in our example I would like to move the price up to a full "Bin" based on the storage item description equalling "Wired Mouse".
This means I will need to change the "alternate UOM" to be "Bin" and then I need to use the builder to specify that I want the alternative to be applicable when the Stock description is wired mouse.

Now that I have specified the path of our override, we need to use the data filter to implement a trigger.
To do this, just simply select the drop down, select the field you wish to be the trigger, then select your logic, then select your value:

Once you have followed the steps in the data filter, you will get the below result:
This should result in your override looking like this:

Finally, you do have the option of duplicating/doubling rates in your alternative item.
In our case, the alternative item is Bin, if we go to Bin > Override > Use rate from alternate step 2, we can set the rates to be based on the unit rates.
Simply select what stock UOM you would like to calculate our rate, then either multiply the price or multiply the quantity:

Now, your alternative freight item will price multiplied your specified amount from the previous stock UOM.

2. Copy rates

1. In Step 4 of the rate card, there’s a useful feature that allows you to copy rates. To use it, simply go to Step 4, hover over the rate you’ve entered, and click the dropdown arrow. From there, you can select the "Copy" button to duplicate the rate.

2. This will present you with a large popup, where you can bulk enter rates and copy them to other areas of the rate card.

3. Data Filters

1. Data filters in step 4 of the rate card allow you to specify when rates apply, simply drop down the price in step 4 and click on the "Data Filter" button.

2. This will present you with a popup where you can enter conditions to state when a price does and does not apply. To do this simply follow the data filter builder along by selecting your field to use, the logic type, then the value as shown below.

In this example we will be saying that we only want the quantity price for a unit in the main warehouse to apply when the zone title is equal to General.
3. Once done, click on Add Rule, the rule will display on the filter screen (Refer screen 04).
4. Once rule has been created, the quantity price applies is when the warehouse zone title is equal to General.

4. Progressive Rate

1. If you wish to add multiple quantity charge, this can be done by click on plus icon (+) as shown below.

2. One you click on the plus icon, another field will create and so on, as shown above.
3. Once done, click on Update button to save the changes.
As you can see above, if there is 1 item, then it will be charged as $2.00, from 1 to 2 items will be charged as $3.00 each and so on, as shown above.
4. If you wish to export the rate, on top of the page, click on Export Rates, the selected rate will be downloaded in the Excel format.

The Export Rates has limited to 5 price breaks for Quantity Rates category. If there are more than 5 different rates in this category, then use the Advanced Export Rates option to export all the details related to the rate card.
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