Credit Cards

Credit Cards

Credit Cards

1. This article will describe how to add and enable the Credit Card(s) in transvirtual database.

2. To do it, go to Configuration > Transvirtual Account > Credit Cards, the credit card list page will display as shown below.


How to Add a Credit Card 

1. To add a new credit card in Transvirtual database, on credit card list page, click on Add Credit Card button as shown above, the add a new credit card popup will display as shown below.


2. Manually enter the details of your credit card i.e., Card Holder Name, Card Number, Card Expire Date, CVV and select Card Type with the help of drop and down button.
3. Now click on the Add button to save the card, the card will reflect in credit card list page.                         

4. To enable the credit card, double click on the newly added credit card, the card info will display on the right side of the screen, here click on Active Checkbox and then click on Update button, the card will be enabled as shown below.


TransVirtual accepts Amex credit card, having a 1.74% surcharge fee for user(s).

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